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zsinj 22-02-2004 10:50 PM


I'd just like to thank Goon, 'Splosive, Sammo, Jenna, Xcor, Jant, Belg, Stargate, Pary, the new guys that i can't remember the names of, azz, a few of the ozf guys...without all of you i could never ahve stolen the 1000th post from paragon, and that my friends...will be a memory i will treasure until the day i die...thank you...thank you all.

Now on a more serious note...lets party till llamas are an endangered species!!!

Paragon101st 22-02-2004 10:50 PM

FUCKIT Sink got it!

Explosive 22-02-2004 10:50 PM


Paragon101st 22-02-2004 10:50 PM

HAPPY 1000th POST SPAMBABY@(&@()!(!(

*Gets drunk wif the Aardvark*

Explosive 22-02-2004 10:50 PM


Explosive 22-02-2004 10:51 PM

*Starts the BIGGEST party 101st has ever seen*

Paragon101st 22-02-2004 10:51 PM

*Gets drunk in 5 mins, passes out*

Explosive 22-02-2004 10:52 PM

next goal... 1337 posts

*gets with fat, ugly llama*

zsinj 22-02-2004 10:53 PM

the 1000th post is now more befitting the occasion...this deserves more than a mere party...this deserves...AN UBERPARTY!!!

Explosive 22-02-2004 10:54 PM


Paragon101st 22-02-2004 10:59 PM

*blows whistle thing*


Paragon101st 22-02-2004 10:59 PM

Wait, I'm passed out...


Mel |F 23-02-2004 01:04 PM


zsinj 23-02-2004 03:49 PM

thanks mel, join the party..this ones gonna be going for a few pages at least!

*continues partying, hands mel a drink with a little umbrella sticking out of it*


Explosive 23-02-2004 04:25 PM

*tries to think of something to spam*

zsinj 23-02-2004 05:01 PM

*continues partying...*

Mel |F 23-02-2004 05:08 PM

*parties down*

Speaking of parties, come to Berri for a parteh around June 27th :P

scorch 23-02-2004 05:34 PM

where's Berri?

=[OzF]=Xy 23-02-2004 05:35 PM

In the middle of nowhere ... where there is nothing to do but bother cows ;)

Explosive 23-02-2004 06:00 PM

what wrong with cows? i mean, they obviously arent llamas but whos counting

Mel |F 23-02-2004 06:05 PM

I'll have you know Berri has not one pub, but TWO!
It is, indeed, the party town.

Paragon101st 23-02-2004 06:39 PM

Townsville only has like, 10 or so :P

SuperSammo 23-02-2004 06:58 PM

man canberra has like 3 times as many when your drunk.

XcoR 23-02-2004 07:53 PM

WOOO! 1023 posts in this Thread!!!!!!!!!!!! :D... sammo you drunkie.....

Jamo 23-02-2004 07:57 PM

This thread is very short.

XcoR 23-02-2004 08:00 PM

Posts: 1

... sif n00b :P

Jamo 23-02-2004 08:05 PM

pffft i own u :)

Paryniux 23-02-2004 08:46 PM

All gay cowboys everywhere agree: Your sig(s) are teh gayz0r!

Explosive 23-02-2004 08:59 PM

i love gay porn too!

XcoR 23-02-2004 10:35 PM

well then Jamo will get along just fine with you wont he Explosive.. lets hope its not to 'fine' .... 0.o

*gets ready to make a run for the door*

zsinj 23-02-2004 11:49 PM

*blocks xcors escape*

where you going purty mouth? muahahah

Jamo 24-02-2004 08:46 AM

Straka thought it would be funny if he added that to my sig, but I've grown attached to it now.

Mel |F 24-02-2004 10:20 AM

Dammit, I'm not kidding. Come to Berri in June! Sif stay in smoggy Sydney or Canberra :(

zsinj 24-02-2004 10:22 AM

i live in queensland mel...and although it is smoggy up here, it's just the right amount of smoggy...not too much...not too little...juuust right...

Mel |F 24-02-2004 12:09 PM

Oh, well, you can still come too I guess :P

zsinj 24-02-2004 12:51 PM


Mel |F 24-02-2004 01:17 PM

Even if you do have a name I can't pronounce.
BTW, can you tell I'm bored at work?
and also, I wanna be a 1337 member such as you

zsinj 24-02-2004 05:17 PM

it's a lot easier to pronounce if you call me sinky...and's for boredom at work...

you are well on your way to becoming a member of the 101st Spammers Association...although you may have to join 101st first...i dunno...we'll have to have a commitee meeting...

*sinky puts on judges wig and grabs little wodden hammer thingy*

the 3rd commitee meeting of the spammers association hereby comes to order....LETS PARTY!


Explosive 24-02-2004 05:17 PM

just call him 'sink' or 'sinky', thats what we do

zsinj 24-02-2004 05:17 PM

beat ya 'splosive...

Explosive 24-02-2004 05:19 PM

bastard *parties in robes*

Mel |F 25-02-2004 09:45 PM

Sif go over 24 hours without posting here. You guys are getting slack.
Or, Mel, the ultimate thread killer, has struck again! Muhahaha!

Explosive 25-02-2004 11:43 PM

I learnt an important lesson tonight. It is vital to get the 'sherman' into the 'rear base'.

Paragon101st 26-02-2004 12:01 AM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally posted by Explosive
I learnt an important lesson tonight. It is vital to get the 'sherman' into the 'rear base'.

If it pleases the court, I'd like to enter this evidence.

scorch 26-02-2004 12:17 AM

we are sorry mel... is this better?

Paragon101st 26-02-2004 12:18 AM

Shhh, she'll kill the thread again :P

scorch 26-02-2004 01:33 AM

that's a good point you've got there para... shhhhhhhh be vewy vewy quiet

scorch 26-02-2004 01:41 AM

there we go i spammed every forum we have here (that i can see) now it's time for me to go bed

zsinj 26-02-2004 10:27 AM


zsinj 26-02-2004 10:35 AM

i have also spammed the forums, assuming the 'last post' role on all forums...i feel special...and have fuzzy warm feelings in my special place...

scorch 26-02-2004 11:38 AM

I will now take that mantle off of you zsinj... do not fear though cos i'm sure you will take it right back :P

zsinj 26-02-2004 02:54 PM

warm fuzzy feelings return once more...buahahaha

scorch 26-02-2004 03:08 PM

lol unlikely cos i'm still here :P

zsinj 26-02-2004 03:14 PM

i will have my fuzzy feelings back!

scorch 26-02-2004 03:14 PM

you cannot win zsinj

zsinj 26-02-2004 03:16 PM

i fear old age is gripping me...that or i haven't drunk enough of my special cocktail...i've called it "Zsinkies Super Sudo Crack Magic Shake"...i think there's a huge market for it in places where crack cocain can be sold legally...

scorch 26-02-2004 03:20 PM

ooooo can i have some?

Explosive 26-02-2004 04:07 PM


scorch 26-02-2004 04:20 PM


Mel |F 26-02-2004 04:21 PM

I'll come back and try killing this thread later.
You underestimate my powers!
Be afraid, be very afraid.

scorch 26-02-2004 04:24 PM

i know i'm shaking... just looking at that pussy in your avatar makes me scared :P

zsinj 26-02-2004 07:25 PM

well it would if you were a stick insect...

scorch 26-02-2004 07:43 PM

do you have something against stick insects?

Paragon101st 27-02-2004 12:04 AM

Stick insects am the winnAr.

Explosive 27-02-2004 12:21 AM

he just hates pussy

Paragon101st 27-02-2004 12:39 AM


Explosive 27-02-2004 12:39 AM


scorch 27-02-2004 12:55 AM


Explosive 27-02-2004 12:57 AM

stfu nub (ps the gaymop was a nice touch)

XcoR 27-02-2004 07:21 PM

I live!!
*walks out*
*trips over a stick insect*

zsinj 27-02-2004 07:57 PM


*stick insect becomes angered and attacks, killing zsinky in a bizarre yet creative way*

XcoR 27-02-2004 10:07 PM

*xcors ghost watches zsinj getting owned by a stick insect*

ahh what a life *goes to sit on a chair and falls through it* damn it!

Explosive 27-02-2004 11:20 PM

i like chairs

zsinj 28-02-2004 12:51 AM

*zsinj's ghost stands up...sees xcors ghost lying on the ground...laughs*

Azz 28-02-2004 01:05 AM

*also laughs but attracts the attention of stick insect*

*runs screaming*

scorch 28-02-2004 01:58 AM

yes phear the insect

SuperSammo 28-02-2004 07:28 AM

Round 1:


XcoR 28-02-2004 01:34 PM

Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.... zzz... zzzz..... :killtard:

Explosive 29-02-2004 12:31 PM


iTzA mE mArIo 29-02-2004 04:56 PM

*me walks into the room eating a donut......*

Itz Me Luigi 29-02-2004 05:00 PM

trust you to be eating a donut bwhahahahahhaha

Itz Me Luigi 29-02-2004 05:01 PM

w00t 37 page party

XcoR 29-02-2004 05:28 PM

*stares at maria*

zsinj 29-02-2004 08:17 PM

*stares at maria, mario, and mariii...all of which look funny*

Explosive 29-02-2004 09:40 PM

haha he called you maria

Explosive 29-02-2004 09:40 PM

and thats a GURLS name

zsinj 29-02-2004 11:31 PM

haha...he mis-spelt girl

XcoR 01-03-2004 06:19 PM


zsinj 02-03-2004 12:39 PM

really? did you 'lmfao'? if so, provide pictures...explicitly detailed pictures...

Mel |F 02-03-2004 01:56 PM

No! Please don't!

zsinj 02-03-2004 02:54 PM

awww...mel...ruining all our fun...

Stargate 02-03-2004 05:03 PM

Any females want to rape a male 23? I won't goto the police I will promise to enjoy myself.

zsinj 02-03-2004 07:27 PM

make that 2 males...

Explosive 02-03-2004 09:34 PM

haha mel is a GURL

zsinj 03-03-2004 03:53 PM

haha, you spelt girl wrong again...and this isn't really...i'm serious...

Mel |F 03-03-2004 04:37 PM

I'd offer to do some rape-age but I wouldn't wanna ruin your fun :P

XcoR 03-03-2004 05:07 PM

1 Attachment(s)

zsinj 03-03-2004 05:14 PM

Wow...that's some sekzay uncle sam action you got going there...did you all realise that it was in fact sammo in all of those pictures of uncle i know what you're all gonna say! "uncle sam's been around for longer than sammo and it looks nothing like him!"...well fuck you!

=[OzF]=Xy 03-03-2004 05:25 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Thats all well and good guys but....

zsinj 03-03-2004 05:28 PM

heh heh...stfu...die irl plz...

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