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Azz 06-04-2004 10:06 AM

quick lets burn him

Explosive 06-04-2004 12:28 PM


zsinj 06-04-2004 12:42 PM

*starts piling up the wood*

Explosive 06-04-2004 02:43 PM

*pulls out zippo*

zsinj 06-04-2004 06:36 PM

*gets out some marshmellows*

XcoR 06-04-2004 10:28 PM

*imaples Zsinj onto a stick and puts him in the fire*

zsinj 06-04-2004 11:11 PM

*enjoys it*

XcoR 07-04-2004 12:31 PM


belgarion101st 07-04-2004 04:52 PM

Holy crap this thread is still going, I thought it would be dead long before now.

SuperSammo 07-04-2004 06:55 PM

We'll I may have to delete it one day when Ozforces come round and say omfg its too big del del del, and chase me down the road with a ferking big baseball bat.

Which is always possible because i know one of the influential members :P who is canberra based.

zsinj 07-04-2004 08:30 PM

omg sif chase sammo with a baseball bat...sif demand the deletion of the SpamBaby(tm) tofu...

Explosive 07-04-2004 08:38 PM

pft, sifnt just delete RAGE forums to save bandwidth and keep spambaby(tm).

its not like they have anything productive

Jantar 07-04-2004 08:45 PM

tofu's all right, as long as it's in Laksa. Otherwise it's somewhat satanic.

zsinj 07-04-2004 09:23 PM

i don't believe satan would even touch is definitely the handy work of something far worse...far more malevolent...far more evil...that's right...hippies...

Jantar 07-04-2004 09:59 PM

Right you are Sink, I sit corrected.

Just today I had a hippy woman telling me that "[i] look like the sort of person they want to help save some sort of trees". Silly woman, her case was blown immediately by her appalling judgement (I'd spent the morning planning the milking of Mother Nature's black excesses...)

Though that fried tofu they put in laksa ain't bad - it's like eating little laksa cushions!

Mel |F 07-04-2004 10:17 PM

Jantar! I'm disgusted!!!
Oh, and come to Townsville, btw...

Paragon101st 07-04-2004 10:56 PM

Mmmmmmmm, Laksa.

I had Tofu for the first time when I was in Brissy. Is it meant to have no flavour whatsoever?

belgarion101st 08-04-2004 02:48 AM

Pretty much, unless of course you get the stuff that tastes like chicken...

zsinj 08-04-2004 08:48 AM

i love the concept of 'Not-Bacon'...a bacon shaped soy product...meant to taste...sorta like bacon...incredible...gotta hand it to the hippies...

Mel |F 08-04-2004 09:48 AM

Hey I've tried that and it rocks! Almost as good as Not-Burgers...
Damn you hippy-haters!

Explosive 08-04-2004 01:53 PM

tofu tastes like what its served with

Explosive 08-04-2004 01:54 PM


zsinj 08-04-2004 05:27 PM

*partys like it's the 43rd party*

Itz Me Luigi 10-04-2004 10:22 AM

*partys as if it was th 1999th page party*

Explosive 10-04-2004 06:20 PM

you all suck

godflsh_me 10-04-2004 08:13 PM

u suck

Mel |F 10-04-2004 08:22 PM


godflsh_me 10-04-2004 08:23 PM

haha u r a girl i dun liek girls i mite get girl germs

Mel |F 10-04-2004 08:25 PM

Hey cool, you better leave then before I sneeze all over you

zsinj 10-04-2004 08:28 PM

oh ffs he's back...'splosive! get him to fuck off again would ya?

Explosive 10-04-2004 08:33 PM

please leave gofish.

and never return!

godflsh_me 10-04-2004 08:37 PM

no i have evry rite to b here in this forum u arnt my mum u carnt tell me wot 2 do

im gona go play cs with my wallhacks and aimbots

Explosive 10-04-2004 08:38 PM


just... die irl. plz.

zsinj 10-04-2004 08:44 PM

a direct quote from iwik:

"you know, someone should invite godfish to the party in towsnvile.. so you can all kill him and cut up the body and hide it in assorted places."

good idea...

Explosive 10-04-2004 08:50 PM

yeah nice one.

although i would be even MORE pissed off i couldnt come

Mel |F 10-04-2004 11:33 PM

Please, no one invite him, crikey!

Paragon101st 11-04-2004 02:57 PM

Oh no, we'll invite him...

I'll just hang, draw, and quarter him using a Horse n Cart, starring Sammo as the horse! :P

Mel |F 11-04-2004 08:30 PM


This was a worthwhile post...

Explosive 11-04-2004 11:05 PM

1 Attachment(s)
pointing THIS out:

belgarion101st 12-04-2004 04:11 PM


Explosive 12-04-2004 06:51 PM

you suck belg, dont give me that one-word-post BS...

thats spam, and shit spam not good spam

belgarion101st 13-04-2004 02:14 PM

but then what really does constitute shit spam, good spam, and is there such a thing as soggy spam ??

zsinj 13-04-2004 04:08 PM

yeah...soggy spam is when sinky and 'splosive have their special...late night spam sessions...

Ruttiger 14-04-2004 02:45 PM

thought i better post seeing as i haven't yet and there are almost 1400

ohh and monkeys have fur

zsinj 14-04-2004 03:56 PM


belgarion101st 14-04-2004 06:27 PM

no, i think in this case he is telling the truth... :D

zsinj 14-04-2004 11:55 PM

i know...i just couldn't accept it...i think part of me is still in denial...i'll have to have a chat with doctor phil...

belgarion101st 15-04-2004 12:35 PM

as long as he doesn't try some of that rebirthing shiet I saw on Law and Order last night... yeouch...

Explosive 15-04-2004 04:09 PM


zsinj 16-04-2004 12:26 AM


belgarion101st 16-04-2004 01:08 AM

some technique they used to get the kid to go through birth again, in this one the kid died

Paragon101st 16-04-2004 01:21 AM

Oh, Sink knows about that shit. He does it aaaaaaaaaall the time.

zsinj 16-04-2004 10:10 AM can a kid die? did they not give him scuba gear whilst reinserting him into his mothers womb?

XcoR 16-04-2004 05:34 PM


Explosive 16-04-2004 09:34 PM


zsinj 16-04-2004 10:10 PM


Ripe 17-04-2004 01:35 AM


Paragon101st 17-04-2004 07:37 AM

Oh my god.

It's a friend of Godfish's.

Explosive 17-04-2004 05:31 PM


well, at least his post had no spelling errors...

Azz 18-04-2004 03:38 AM

lol, ummm r u lot planning on trying to have spambaby reborn or something?

XcoR 20-04-2004 01:03 PM

I'm so cool.

Now there's a topic to chat about. Knock ya selves out!!!!@4!!@@!$!@@1!!1

Mel |F 20-04-2004 03:28 PM

/me hears crickets chirping

Explosive 20-04-2004 08:27 PM

no, azz. no.

XcoR 20-04-2004 09:45 PM

*eats the crickets and implodes*

belgarion101st 21-04-2004 09:02 AM

ewww, now whos gonna clean up that mess ?

scorch 22-04-2004 11:02 PM

me me

XcoR 23-04-2004 12:47 PM


SuperSammo 23-04-2004 12:51 PM

All in favour of help cleaning up say I...

The alternative is take five and get azz to do it :P

Explosive 23-04-2004 03:16 PM

stfu all of j00 nubs

XcoR 23-04-2004 05:35 PM

just because you're jealous Explosive :|

Dutch hater...!

Explosive 24-04-2004 06:36 PM


scorch 26-04-2004 04:56 PM


Explosive 26-04-2004 08:53 PM


zsinj 27-04-2004 08:34 AM


XcoR 27-04-2004 02:12 PM

I would just like to point out... I did NOT sleep with zsinj.... OK, so just drop the 'inuendos' you are all doing.

"STOP THE FUCKING SPAM!" I mean C'mon, can you make it any more clearer than that ffs?

XcoR 27-04-2004 02:13 PM


zsinj 27-04-2004 05:10 PM

xcor...although that night meant nothing to you it certainly did mean something to constant denial is sending a very clear message...bitch...

XcoR 27-04-2004 06:51 PM

I didn't know pineapples could be so handy...

er, wtf, NO I DIDNT ZSINJ! lies, LIAR!E$$

*implodes, leaving a HUGE mess*

zsinj 27-04-2004 10:13 PM

hmm...that reminds me...did you end up cleaning up that mess i left?

XcoR 28-04-2004 05:14 PM

Havn't touched the room in months....

zsinj 28-04-2004 08:07 PM

...i wasn't talking about the room...

zsinj 28-04-2004 08:07 PM

47th page partay!!!!!!!


Explosive 28-04-2004 09:01 PM


XcoR 28-04-2004 09:55 PM


SuperSammo 29-04-2004 08:18 PM

<insert topic>
<b><insert hilarity></b>

Stargate 30-04-2004 05:29 PM

Gawd, If it ever gets to 100 pages i'd be impressed.

zsinj 30-04-2004 06:00 PM

that sounds like a challenge stargate...fellow members of the spammer's association...rise up! we have a lot of spammage to do!

Explosive 30-04-2004 09:39 PM

pfft, we'll EASILY get to 100 pages

tortise and hare people, tortise and hare.

XcoR 01-05-2004 04:18 PM

Rumble in the jungle i say!!$!2!!2

zsinj 01-05-2004 06:16 PM

all of these beastiality references are starting to put me off my good ol' hetero stop it the lot of you!

XcoR 02-05-2004 12:15 AM

*craps on the ground*

There's some German porn for ya zsinky...

Paragon101st 02-05-2004 10:12 AM

Man, the stuff you don't miss when you're too busy to browse the forums for awhile...

zsinj 02-05-2004 11:09 AM

sif too busy to browse the forums...

and thanks xcor...i got that on my webcam, i'll be...ah...using it later...

XcoR 02-05-2004 09:31 PM

Webcam, is that like one of those things that you can use over the web and its a camera..? or is that the Sharpie - permanent Marker?

Mel |F 05-05-2004 12:33 PM

3 days with no spam to feed spambaby makes Mel a sad panda :(

badze 05-05-2004 01:07 PM

SuperSammo Sweeeet, SICK pic of SONIC u got there ... how much does he kick a$$????

Daywalker 05-05-2004 04:03 PM


Daywalker 05-05-2004 04:05 PM

By the Way love the sig's there 101st lol

XcoR 05-05-2004 06:04 PM

OMFG NOOB WTFBSHAX STFU NOOB!$$&^!@^E^E!^!^!!&*@*(*$R(!!((!(!!!@@@sixteen. threesubtracttwoequalsoneoneoneoneonedotdotdot!!$! $

*makes weird noises and explodes into a million pieces*

*the pieces are too small to notice that i have exploded*

Daywalker 06-05-2004 05:08 PM


Me > :fight: < Xcor

Here have some :spam: mmm thats goood spam

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