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Instinct 27-07-2003 01:17 AM

how bout this, 3 of us meet up somewhere ... then we go together ... eH? good plan ...
righto off we go :D

Dark_Flash 28-07-2003 10:11 AM

im just gonna say here that i cant be bothered reading all 61 posts here. unless u say its somehow worth it? :P

[zero] Evidence 28-07-2003 02:40 PM


It's worth it Dark flash, you have missed out on allot of 'Lannage' Information....

Lego: Yes, Ripper, Justinsain and I Are all blood brothers.
And i accidently created 2 usernames one is 'Lord Elad' and the other 'Lord_Elad', but for some strange reason i can only reply with the 'Lord Elad'...

Rem: Who else are brothers? allso, it'a good idea about the food/drink thingy.... people bring their own and share...


Dark_Flash 28-07-2003 03:42 PM

i thought that was lego until i got to the "i can only reply with 'Lord Elad'" part. CHANGE YER AVATAR! :P

[zero] Evidence 28-07-2003 05:44 PM

I will, just need a good scanner.... then i'll change it :P

SilverScope 28-07-2003 06:17 PM


i have to work from 11:30 - 4:30 :( :( :( :( :( !!

sorry remmie, i would go but.. stupid work!
do one thing for me, TAKE ALOT OF PHOTOS!! scan and post ;)

[zero] Evidence 30-07-2003 02:37 PM

***bump*** so only a BBQ then? i know that all or most of the Melbornians will be able to make it to a BYO DIY BBQ :D

:( so no one will lan with me? I know ripper will and you all know how much you like to kick Ripper's buttock-hole.... :D :D :D

Dark_Flash 30-07-2003 06:15 PM

apply pressure to his rectal opening via his hoof?

[zero] Evidence 01-08-2003 03:38 PM


DF: thats not very nice :P

How about dates for the BBQ then? not August.... because rem is away... September? October maybe? has to be on a Saturday...

Dark_Flash 01-08-2003 05:20 PM

whats all this "***bump***" business?!

[zero] Evidence 01-08-2003 07:41 PM

im just nudging it to the top of the forums :D

[zero]Remorse 10-09-2003 01:08 PM

so what's happening with this Melbourne BBQ???? I reckon a BBQ sounds like the go (not a LAN), and having it at Elad's is good for me (if you can wangle it Elad!). I'm happy to go to a local park or something with a BBQ (there's lots around) and if we BYO food and drink then Elad won't be too stressed - and I can take 3 or 4 passengers :D

A Saturday in October (Oct 11 and 18 are no good for me) or November? Who is interested? So far I gather: Ripper, Elad, Insty, Coke, SS (if he can get out of work), myself, DirtyHarry....

if we get serious about this, then we better contact ppl via e-mail and ICQ etc when we get a date as a lot of ppl don't read this forum unfortunately.

[zero]_Ripper 10-09-2003 03:25 PM

Hi ya REM! Welcome Back. Talk to Elad about this, his in charge. I'm looking forward to catching up.

[zero] Evidence 10-09-2003 09:22 PM

Im here...

ahh... november is good, infact im free every single weekend.

And we have a huge BBQ... So big, we could probaly cook you up Rem :)

[zero]Remorse 11-09-2003 01:31 PM

thanks rip, and i'm looking forward to catching up too :D

onya elad - so get organising this BBQ - i'm hungry! :P

SilverScope 11-09-2003 01:36 PM

if you tell me the date a couple weeks before the actual date i can make sure im not rostered on that day :)

[zero]Remorse 12-09-2003 01:48 PM

that's good news SS - I hope Elad can set a date in november real soon :D (onya elad for organising it :D :D :D :D)

[zero] Evidence 12-09-2003 07:27 PM

November the 1st, 8th, 15th, 22, and 29th, are all go for me.... what ever dates tickles your fancy....

Dark_Flash 13-09-2003 02:49 PM

watch out on november 13th...

[zero]Remorse 15-09-2003 12:48 PM

i think they all good for me too elad..... but early in month is better for me :D

DF - what's on nov 13? :rolleyes:

anybody got any of those dates they can't make?

SilverScope 15-09-2003 03:39 PM

NOV 15th !!!

because my last exam is the 11th! so anything after that is ALL GO!!! but before that is no go :)

Oh btw its my turn next to hold one of these, which is what i will be doing in the new house, BBQ/Lan will defintely go for more than 24hrs :) cause my mum wont care aslong as we dont break shit and everything is sensible (so slaide sorry mate you cant come ;) )

[zero] Evidence 15-09-2003 09:06 PM


See what happends when you mention the word 'LAN' :)

I love you silver, i realy do... Is there any chance that i can bring my dual monitor beast?! It's dying for some Lanning Action.

[zero]Remorse 16-09-2003 01:36 PM

wow SS - sounds good! I doubt I come to the LAN part, but certainly I would to the BBQ part :D :D :D (LANing is just too hard these days cos of chronic lack of time :P).... so would this LAN/BBQ weekend be like early next year SS?

Elad - what location are u thinking for the BBQ in November?

[zero] Evidence 17-09-2003 01:14 AM

My place... have a BBQ then get our food and sit in the TV room and watch some DVD's with Surround-Sound.

We have like a monster BBQ here (5 or 6 burner bbq) + i work at macca's so i shouldn't have any problems cooking that meat up :D

Sound good?

[zero]Remorse 17-09-2003 01:06 PM

elad that sounds AWESOME!!! get some fries for us from macca's too (yum!)

i reckon maybe you need to organise this via e-mail now, cos not nuff ppl r reading this thread - u should have all the zero's e-mail addies from msg's i sent b4 the wedding :P

[zero] Evidence 17-09-2003 01:46 PM

hehehe, i could possibly get a box od Fries from work and fry them at my place, i would be able to do the perfectly since i know the temp at what they are cooked at and the time it takes, and the holding time.

Only just i'll need some money for that b4 hand and let the managers know that we would like a box, only problem is that we can ownly buy a box at a time... and one box it about 15kgs...

Yes! email, good idea! so the date (for the moment) is November the 15th?

[zero] Evidence 17-09-2003 01:48 PM

Alltho on second thoughts, The box's of Fries are Made for macca's exclusively, so i dont know if i can actualt get some :(

SilverScope 17-09-2003 03:01 PM

elad: just get your managers to order an extra box of chips and you pay them for the chips :) your not going to be selling the chips for profit, just for personal use :) (eating them i mean)

Elad just know i wont have any equipment so you'll have to bring all the lan stuff! and bring whatever :)
Is early next year bad or good for you rem ? cause anytime after december is great for me :)

[zero] Evidence 17-09-2003 05:56 PM

SWEEEET! Im gonna own you all! It's gonna be payback from all that Cableer Vs. 56ker ownage you all gave me! MUHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA!

***excuse me***

I have lan stuff, we have a spare 10mbit router (4port) and another 8 port 10mbit switch, and i only have one RJ45 cable for myself.

BTW, since im running Linux tank I can host a DHCP server and a CS server, that way we dont have to borrow rem's cs server, and the networking will be easier because of my DHCP :) :D

SilverScope 17-09-2003 06:37 PM

ok... lol you guys sort that one out :D

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