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XcoR 23-12-2003 09:13 PM

i like pinapples ^^

SuperSammo 23-12-2003 09:17 PM

pary, it was reaaaaaaaally late at night. My brain tends to stop after about midnight.

SuperSammo 24-12-2003 12:44 AM


/me stabs xcor.

Mel |F 24-12-2003 12:49 AM

Oh it was not late you liar :P

SuperSammo 24-12-2003 12:50 AM

you and your crazy SA times :P

XcoR 24-12-2003 04:52 PM

haha SuperSammo

/me eats knife

thats the third one!! you will run out eventually MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH... ahem..

XcoR 24-12-2003 05:00 PM

omgomgogmogmogmogmog its christmas tomorrow... hopefully noone will buy you knives for some strange reason SuperSammo.... but then again ... yeah.. :P

SuperSammo 24-12-2003 11:12 PM

nah, im getting guns for xmas... then I can shoot you from a range you cant eat from....


Paryniux 24-12-2003 11:43 PM

For Christmas i will get a sinister doomsday device to destroy all life!!!111!!!!!!!!!11!!1!@~


zsinj 25-12-2003 01:51 AM

i'm getting a new llama for old one is getting run down...

XcoR 25-12-2003 05:37 PM


SuperSammo 26-12-2003 12:09 PM

Xcor you do realise your avatar is a pokemon?

An Arbok if I recall... (checks pokedex) I dont have one!

/me throws a pokeball at xcor.

XcoR 26-12-2003 03:33 PM

.. ow, stop throwing stuff at me!! :'( pokemon meh... pinapples own llamas AND pokemon

*gets hit by an anvil...* -.-

zsinj 28-12-2003 01:31 AM

SpamBaby(tm) needs spam to live...


Jantar 28-12-2003 01:57 AM

Mebbe we could get some Chrisco Christmas Spam hampers for SpamBaby(TM)? Would only be $5 dollars a week for a magical Chrisco Christmas!

SuperSammo 28-12-2003 12:37 PM

/me runs away screaming make it stop!

Paryniux 28-12-2003 02:08 PM

SpamBaby is no living creature to be nurtured! SpamBaby is a virus spreading through the fabric of forums everywhere. The source is this very Thread. It... must be ... be stopped. Don't be fooled by the Spam that you read, it's just SpamBaby from this Thread - a VIRUS! It HAS TO BE DESTROYED!!!!!!!!!!111!@$1`

*raises fists*

So who's first?

101stGawain 28-12-2003 05:56 PM


zsinj 28-12-2003 11:26 PM

SpamBaby(tm) is never going to be destroyed! NEVER!!!

SuperSammo 29-12-2003 01:29 PM

:spam: :armed:

Azz 30-12-2003 03:59 AM

how come none of u's celebrated spambabys pday

zsinj 30-12-2003 01:24 PM

It was his 21st...he was out getting drunk with his mates and got passed out at the brothel...

Explosive 01-01-2004 07:27 PM

its true

zsinj 02-01-2004 01:57 AM

speaking of killer parties...HAPPY NEW YEAR SPAMBABY(tm)...he sure did grow a lot during this year...

Explosive 03-01-2004 07:17 PM


Paragon101st 03-01-2004 07:37 PM

Man, I need to get SpamBaby(TM) on these Strongbow whites...potent stuff.

SuperSammo 03-01-2004 07:47 PM

your teaching him to drink!? what kinda parents are you! :P

zsinj 03-01-2004 07:56 PM

actually...he taught me to drink...and i haven't been sober since...

Paragon101st 03-01-2004 08:27 PM

Yeah, SpamBaby(TM) could put us all under the table.

SuperSammo 05-01-2004 12:26 AM

well hes still younger than you lot :P

oldies ! :P

/me hides

zsinj 05-01-2004 01:06 PM

true....true...but we can fix that...start posting more and he'll be a lot older than us...then we can put him in the old peoples home and visit him on special occasions...

zsinj 05-01-2004 01:08 PM

oh yeah...HAPPY NEW PAGE DAY SPAMBABY(tm)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

this ones been a while coming...time to get even more drunk...

*opens two more bottles of metholated spirits, hands one to spambaby(tm)*

sorry...all outta scotch...

Explosive 05-01-2004 06:42 PM

HAPPY PAGE DAY w000000000000000

Azz 06-01-2004 03:33 AM

*partys* u think we'll eva get over pdays

zsinj 06-01-2004 12:03 PM

hell no...

*continues the party*

Explosive 06-01-2004 11:06 PM


Azz 07-01-2004 01:41 PM


*partys harder*

zsinj 14-01-2004 07:00 PM

...spambaby(tm) is looking hungry...must feed spambaby(tm)...COME bACK TO US SPAMBABY(tm)!!! WALK AWAY FROM THE LIGHT!!!!

Explosive 14-01-2004 10:14 PM


lococard 22-01-2004 11:43 AM

quad post ay?

lococard 22-01-2004 11:43 AM

quad post ay?

zsinj 22-01-2004 02:07 PM

hang on a second...lococard? who the hell are you?!?!?...

XcoR 22-01-2004 06:30 PM

He's a witch! BURN HIM!!!!!!!!!

zsinj 22-01-2004 09:21 PM


XcoR 23-01-2004 02:11 PM

*grabs some marshmellows and plates... and pinapples*

zsinj 23-01-2004 09:28 PM

*brings a llama...for after the bonfire...*

Azz 24-01-2004 03:30 AM

*brings keg for..errr....drinking*

r we burning him on the steak

*not the meat steak, the wooden poll*

zsinj 24-01-2004 11:12 AM

you call yours the steak huh?

XcoR 24-01-2004 01:36 PM

haha... god damn.. this is a bon fire people! not a sex fire... AND dont make me 'accidently' push the llama in the fire! ILL DO IT! I WILL!!!! *sedates self*

mmm i seeee the lightttt mann.. *jumps in the fire*

Explosive 24-01-2004 08:11 PM

quad post? looked more like a double post to me.


SuperSammo 25-01-2004 06:12 PM

Looks like explosive double posted.

Paragon101st 25-01-2004 06:15 PM

Go Sammo!

XcoR 25-01-2004 06:43 PM

Im confused :(

Explosive 25-01-2004 11:18 PM


zsinj 26-01-2004 12:03 AM

oh my god!...where did i leave that printer?...

SuperSammo 26-01-2004 12:20 AM

next to the computer?

Explosive 27-01-2004 12:07 AM

no. this is the printer we were using last night...

Azz 27-01-2004 01:26 AM

wtf...wat fun can u have with a printer besides printing out pr0n......

Explosive 27-01-2004 03:30 PM

dude, you were THERE

zsinj 27-01-2004 06:49 PM

'splosive...remember we drugged azz up good before the night of printer shenaniguns...don't worry azz...we didn't do anything nasty to your unconcious body...*shifty eyes*

Explosive 31-01-2004 11:39 AM

of COURSE not...

Explosive 31-01-2004 11:40 AM

23rd PAGE!


XcoR 31-01-2004 12:59 PM

well well lucky for you i had my camera.. i have "nekkid pix" of what happened that night Azz... and for your own sake i will tell you... first they inse- *zsinj jumps on me with a cloth that has metho on it muffling my words* ... *passes out from the smell*

*stabs spam baby with a tin of baked beans*

zsinj 31-01-2004 05:45 PM

*drags xcors unconcious body off to 'splosives house*

XcoR 01-02-2004 05:28 PM

*wakes up and finds himself in a Gaybar* ... wtf, where am i?...

*watches explosive and zsinj entertain the fellas* ...

*tries to move but it tied down with rope and leather*

Explosive 01-02-2004 06:42 PM


*Plays air guitar wildly*

Azz 01-02-2004 07:16 PM

wat happened...tell me..TELL ME!!! memory is still blurry about that other night, & y does my back ache

zsinj 01-02-2004 07:19 PM

is your back the only thing thats aching?

XcoR 04-02-2004 11:04 PM

*throws an inflateble tumbleweed on the ground and chases it with a stick*

Azz 04-02-2004 11:48 PM

*joins in*

scorch 05-02-2004 12:26 AM

wow you really started something here jenna! how many pages you guys think it'll go up to?

Paryniux 05-02-2004 01:44 PM

My bet is it will stop at 10. Oh wait... we're up to 23??

This thread is going straight to the murky world of 100 pages!

zsinj 05-02-2004 07:09 PM

100 pages? well that means we need to start spamming like we've never spammed before! this might even call for dodeca posts!

scorch 05-02-2004 08:07 PM

guys no spamming, make post useful.... like this one is

SuperSammo 05-02-2004 08:10 PM

100 pages? this thing lost tonnes of momentum at 21 when explosive stopped visiting the forum every 3.141592654 seconds.

Explosive 05-02-2004 09:50 PM

Oi! Its called a 'real life', sadly.

Dont worry, ive got 2 days off, i guarentee ill do lots of posts for ya ;)

scorch 06-02-2004 12:20 AM

i'm sure explosive is not a spammer, i bet he posts things more useful than this post

Explosive 06-02-2004 01:16 PM



Explosive 06-02-2004 01:16 PM

1 Attachment(s)

zsinj 06-02-2004 06:27 PM

oh that sexay duck again...oh baby...

Azz 09-02-2004 12:38 PM

lol now lets not all get excited over a duck

Explosive 09-02-2004 05:18 PM


XcoR 09-02-2004 09:52 PM

because ducks have feathers.... and... yeah.... feathers, FEATHERS!

*accidently hits the tumbleweed to hard with the stick...* ... *picks up the remains of it and walks off sadly* .... *runs back and throws the remains at Azz and runs off*

Azz 09-02-2004 09:57 PM

*repairs tumbleweed & throws on ground*

*chases it with a long stick*

Explosive 09-02-2004 10:47 PM

*doesnt touch azz with a 10ft pole*

Azz 10-02-2004 06:35 PM

*doesnt touch explosive with a 20ft pole*

XcoR 10-02-2004 07:03 PM

*stares at explosive and Azz*

Explosive 10-02-2004 08:37 PM

hmmm, interesting

Azz 11-02-2004 01:15 AM

...not really

Azz 11-02-2004 01:19 AM


zsinj 11-02-2004 09:10 AM

i go to work for a day and a half...leaving SpamBaby(tm) in what i think are the capable hands of 'splosive, azz and xcor...what do i find when i return...a bunch of people not touching each other...if there's one thing i've all my that not touching each other is very not get touchin'!

*pokes xcor*

zsinj 11-02-2004 09:10 AM

24 page PARTAY!!!!!!!

Azz 11-02-2004 09:51 AM

*pokes explosive*



Explosive 11-02-2004 12:25 PM

24 already!



zsinj 11-02-2004 03:05 PM

i know how you feel ' feels like just yesterday we were having our first 2nd page party...*sigh* the memories come flooding back...soon we'll have to kick SpamBaby(tm) out of the nest and make him fend for himself...that or become wierd possessive parents and make him stay at home with us until he's 45...

anyway...enough of my ranting..

*continues the partying*

zsinj 16-02-2004 04:15 PM

i dunno...SpamBaby(tm) has dropped so low on the "Spamming" forum, this must change! have we all forgotten about him so quickly? he's 24...and has a lot of spam left in come on 101...lets get him to 25 least!

Jenna McTavish 16-02-2004 06:27 PM

Shouldn't SpamBaby (TM) be thinking about leaving home by now? :rolleyes:

XcoR 16-02-2004 06:31 PM

I was reading the first few pages of this forum and wasnt spam baby meant to be killed? before it grew into something that was an unstoppable force and destroy the world and all man kind...

and i feel proud to be a helping hand in the looking after of spambaby... its a great honour... *sniff*

oh we can always lock him in a basement so he cant escape into the world Jenna ;)

*pokes zsinj's eye*

zsinj 16-02-2004 07:43 PM

*replaces eye with cybernetic spam can*

yeah jenna, i don't feel SpamBaby(tm) is ready for the big harsh world...i say we keep him here until he's at least 30 pages long...then he can become an accountant...

Jantar 16-02-2004 07:52 PM

Come back prodigal SpamBaby(TM)...all is forgiven!

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