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THAUmaTURgic 01-11-2002 10:22 AM

Natural Selection is OUT!
New half-life mod. And I can't wait to try it after reading the manual last night.

It has a storyline behind it which sets it in the 23rd century with an Alien style feel. Nano-technology for the Marines, Bacterium for the Aliens.

It's a mix between an fps and an rts. The marines have a commander in a command center who has a top down view of the map and he can drop medikits/ammo and start placement on turrets/seige turrets (the marines have to build them though - like a tfc engineer). The aliens have a builder class and hives - no command view but the builders are mobile (with limited attacks - but effective defense). The more hives - up to 3, that the enemy has the more effective the bacterium is and the higher skills each alien has.

The aliens "evolve" through 5 completely different levels. Ranging from the fast and nimble skulks who can wall climb to the flying lerks with their protection clouds and poisonous clouds to the towering elephant like onis with 500 health and 150 armor who can charge and paralyse enemies.

The aim of the game is to destroy the command center of the marines or the hive(s) of the aliens and this will be no easy task. Even if you destroy them you have to make sure all aliens/marines are dead or they can rebuild. Resources are provided by the nano-sludge which feeds the nanites and bacterium - control of this will be VITAL as it governs reinforcements/building/health and ammo.

Set in dark corridors of ships and space stations this game should rocks. I'm really itching to try it as the general consensus is it's very professional for a first release (2 years in development)

Aarseth 01-11-2002 10:52 AM

1 Attachment(s)
That looks truely awesome. For a Half-life mod the graphics look sweet as!

check vv (thats the commander view)

TISM 01-11-2002 11:27 AM

You don't seriously think it will overtake Digital Paintball?

(Looks good)

DirtyHarry 01-11-2002 11:39 AM


Originally posted by TISM
You don't seriously think it will overtake Digital Paintball?


ps It does look good thou!

THAUmaTURgic 01-11-2002 10:46 PM

I've only played kharaa (alien) so far. AND i must say that this mod shits over any other mods in professionalism by a long long long way. It's a fuckin tonne of fun too - especially if you get a server with people willing to play as a team.

The maps rock, sounds are realistic, graphics and models are a lot better than other half-life mods. Teams are balanced - seen the game go either way, really comes down to who has the better teamwork.

This is going up on deadly deagle for sure :)

Oh - the Onus (elephant alien) is quite a laugh :P Had some alien offense towers up outside "Fortress Marine".

Door opens - ONUS jumps over the towers and charges into the marine stronghold taking out a few marines with him :) Gotta love the reaction on one of the marines. "What the fuck! An elephant!"

It takes a LOT of teamwork to get to be able to upgrade to the ONUS alien though - have to have 3 out of 3 hives up which is very tricky. Theres something for everybody in this game. The builder alien class has a tonne of jobs - puts the tfc engineer to shame :P Flyers, wall climbers, teleporters, elephants :) The marines aren't lacking though. Heavy machine gun = bye bye if you can't climb up that wall and pounce on them quick enough!

Slaide 01-11-2002 11:51 PM

Might check it out dude.. ;)


Bemathkata 02-11-2002 01:00 AM

yeah, i had a short play and it looks none too shabby..

let me know if its up on deadly deagle..

TISM 02-11-2002 01:39 PM

I was playing NS with Thau into the wee hours last night.
First impression is it's a Damn funky game. Hopefully it's sustains interest.
It takes a bit of working out how to play. Read the manual if you can be bothered. Otherwise jump in blind, with a pro to ask all the stupid questions - like I did (thanks Thau) - it is frustrating to work out otherwise
The team Commander needs to know how to play well or it doesnt work. Don't try it - get the most exp to do it.
Theres approx 13 servers in Oz (147/176 players) so get into it - its going off.

Aarseth 02-11-2002 09:11 PM

btw ppls, the dd server is up on the 27015 port.

It lags a bit but that seems to be a problem with many NS servers atm.

Mudhoney 02-11-2002 10:39 PM

it's very heavy on resources, both CPU and RAM, but esp CPU. This is unusual for a HL mod.

THAUmaTURgic 02-11-2002 11:25 PM

They say it's a bug that should be fixed very soon.

However I still think it will be a high cpu intensive mod - it has to do a shitloads of processing...... Lets hope they can minimise it cause make no mistake that that mod owns :)

Aarseth 03-11-2002 11:18 AM

I'm now officially a NS junky

THAUmaTURgic 03-11-2002 12:54 PM

LOL fritz - yeah it's bloody addicted.

Liquid Silver, Reaps and Myself did well last night vs the Marines on NS_nothing. We won twice in a row (sux it TISM :P).

The Aliens are good - they're fairly balanced. Just they are quite advanced to use. You have to know how to kill things properly. Theres a lot of planing involved before you attack something unless you are up to hive 3 :) Hive 3 with ONOS and fark me dead - Think I killed 20 Marines with just one life (and a forward outpost and reaps to heal me)

Kursed 03-11-2002 03:21 PM

i would have to say the game owns :)

i was playing last nite also. wanted to play today, but dd has pw.

any chance of someone telling me it??

oreo 03-11-2002 05:29 PM


Originally posted by drukqs
i would have to say the game owns :)

i was playing last nite also. wanted to play today, but dd has pw.

any chance of someone telling me it??


icq me.

Slaide 03-11-2002 06:45 PM

I think we here are small numbers the marines can own the aliens.


TISM 03-11-2002 07:03 PM

I dont understand Slaide but I wanna know:-

You Lightning Bolt boys can have the aliens - they stink -.
Give me BIG GUNS and Jump Jets anytime.

Kursed 03-11-2002 09:47 PM

i with tism :D

ps: thx for msg :)

TISM 03-11-2002 10:58 PM

It's time to kick ass and chew bubble-gum... and I'm all out of gum.

Aarseth 04-11-2002 12:06 AM


Originally posted by drukqs
i with tism :D
What stuck down a ventelation shaft... praying that noise was just your stomach?

Or back at base hiding behind 10 thousand sentry guns :P

TISM 04-11-2002 01:03 AM

This game is effecting my health.

Fritz - Its 12::05am Monday - get off OzForces NS and get some sleep :0. (so I can get a slot - hehehe)

THAUmaTURgic 04-11-2002 02:30 AM

just played 2 great games on gamearena :)

Aliens won both of em :P whosa ya daddy.

Only took 3 hours for the first and 2 for the second ;) BUT WE WON!

This is like aoe2 nights on oldskool wireplay :)

DirtyHarry 04-11-2002 08:45 AM

yep gr8 fricken game , but ive got no idea about aliens!!!!

me need a fricken gun!

so when is our first war THAU ?


Mudhoney 04-11-2002 08:49 AM

Ok I pretty much understand marines now, but I still don't fully understand aliens, eg. why does each alien see a different amount of resources? Are the resources per bug or pooled?

THAUmaTURgic 04-11-2002 10:16 AM

To help you out mud :)

Aliens have a fairly complex structure to their upgrades, abilities and resources. It's tough to learn, but once you know it it's pretty clear.


They are for each individual alien. There is no pooling. This is a good structure for the kharaa as they usually fight individually :)

Buildings and Upgrades

The Buildings on the alien side are:

Resource Chamber
Offense Chamber
Defense Chamber (UPGRADE CHAMBER)
Sensory Chamber (UPGRADE CHAMBER)
Movement Chamber (UPGRADE CHAMBER)

Aliens start with one Hive. It's as important as the command center. Objective is to build a 2nd and a 3rd to get some awesome abilities. You can build ONE type of UPGRADE CHAMBER for each hive you build. SO with Hive One we would build a sensory chamber - we could not build a defense chamber or movement chamber until we get hive 2, and say we pick defense chamber when our 2nd hive is up. We could not build a movement chamber until we have hive 3. The order of how you build the chambers is completely up to the team but we usually go with sensory first for the cloaking :) Hives also play an extremely vital role in the TYPE of aliens we can evolve to and the abilities that they have.

We can't evolve to a FADE (the human like alien with a clan on each hand) until we have 2 Hives and we can't evolve to an ONOS (the rhino) until we have 3 hives. Our abilities are also restricted to the amount of hives we have. For instance, with only one hive the SKULK only has a bite attack and a parasite attack. With a 2nd Hive he gets the leap attack and with a 3rd Hive he gets the xenocide that allows him to explode :) All aliens are governed by the Hive Abilities. Be very afraid when we get 3 Hives as our abilities and aliens will slaughter even marines with hmg and heavy armor without too many problems. A Marines OBJECTIVE is to stop the aliens building at least ONE hive - Hive 2 ALIENS aren't that powerful - so make it your mission, your passion or you WILL DIE :)

Resource Tower:

These work exactly like a marines Resource Chamber. Same Cost, Same Hit Points.

Offense Chamber:

Fires Spit Balls - Not very strong but a good deterrant as they do do 50 damage if they hit. There is little difference between the marine sentry and the offence chamber - just until Hive 3, aliens have a hard time taking down marine sentries due to no good range attacks.

Defense Chamber:

Allows researching of defense upgrades. It also provides healing at the rate of about 10 health per second to any buildings and aliens around. You can stack them up to 3 in an area to get 30 health per second. The upgrading works like this:

There are 3 levels of research for most of the alien upgrades. However to get that we only have to have 3 of the type of upgrade chamber ON THE MAP to get the levels. So 1 defense chamber = level 1, 2 = level 2, 3 = level 3. The upgrades are done by each alien - and they have to be redone every time we die (evolving doesn't reset them though so if as a skulk we had cloaking we will have it when we evolve to ONOS).

Sensory Chamber:

Allows researching of sensory upgrades. Also parasites any marine it touches (means we can see that marine on HIVE SIGHT at ALL times until he dies - no way to remove it). AND it also gives us warnings of any marines in its range with "THE ENEMY IS APPROACHING" shouted out.

Movement Chamber:

Allows researching of movement upgrades. Also allows us to teleport to the HIVE the longest distance away! Like the marine phase gate - just can't teleport us to where we want to go but great for hive defense and moving to other side of map instantly.


As stated before they are done by each individual alien and have to be redone everytime they die - but they are worth it! Each upgrade costs us 2 resource points, but that isn't too much :) As an alien you can only research one of each TYPE of upgrade each time. So once you research cloaking (sensory) you cant research scent of fear or enhanced sight until you die.

Sensory Upgrades:


Makes us cloak when we stop moving - takes about 1 second to shift into after we go motionless.

Level 1: Faded Alien
Level 2: Outline of Alien
Level 3: Invisible completely


Think of it as NIGHT VISION - we see every structure and alien/marine with a white glow.

No Levels.


We can DETECT on hive sight any marine that is low on health. Pretty effective for choosing targets :)

No Levels.

Movement Upgrades:


Reduces the noise we make when moving and attacking.

Level 1: 33% Reduction
Level 2: 66% Reduction
Level 3: 100% - Completely Silent, even when attacking. YOU MARINES SPOOKED YET? :)


INCREASES our energy regen (the yellow bar on right that we use for all our moves)

Level 1: 33% INCREASE
Level 2: 66% INCREASE
Level 3: 100% INCREASE


INCREASES our speed.

Not Sure if Level Based - but with a skulk it makes you fly like a tfc scout :)

Defense Upgrades:



Level 1: +20% DAMAGE REDUCTION, Increase armor points
Level 2: +20% DAMAGE REDUCTION, Increase armor points
Level 3: +20% DAMAGE REDUCTION, Increase armor points



Level 1: 1 Hit Point per second.
Level 2: 2 Hit Point per second.
Level 3: 3 Hit Point per second.


WHEN close to dieing and in battle we teleport back to closest hive :) Very nifty, but it is bugged at times and the actually skill has a % to not work.

Level 1: TELEPORT. Increases chance of successfully teleporting back.
Level 2: TELEPORT. Increases chance of successfully teleporting back.
Level 3: TELEPORT. Increases chance of successfully teleporting back.

HOPE that gives you an insight into how powerful the aliens are, and how vulnerable they can be to a marine squad and commander who knows what they are doing. Pretty surefire that if you let us get to a THIRD HIVE you are in a tonne of trouble - our attacks are just too amazing. Even the flying lerk who is usually weak gets a SPORE CLOUD which is on par with the power of a charging ONUS. I went from 20 frags to 60 frags late last night in a game just with 5 minutes of playing a lerk :) BEWARE MARINES! We're watching you.

DirtyHarry 04-11-2002 10:28 AM

nice stuff thau , so how do i play aliens again ?

j/k :P

oreo 04-11-2002 11:59 AM


question 1

the blue bar on the right

what is it?

Question 2?

How do you increase the levels of the upgrades?

THAUmaTURgic 04-11-2002 12:14 PM

Blue Bar on the left for aliens = your resource meter - basically the same as the numbers. More for looks as i'd prefer the numbers.

Increase the level of the upgrades.... 1 Sensor tower on map = Level 1 cloaking. 2 Sensor towers on map = level 2 cloaking. 3 sensor towers on map = level 3 cloaking. Works the same for movement and defense.

So get your builders (gorge) to build more of the upgrade towers. But don't pester them early on too much. Our priority is to get resource towers up!

Mudhoney 04-11-2002 12:37 PM

thanks, thau. The resource thing is still a bit puzzling but I think I understand it enough to be able to function.

Needless to say, the objective of the game is:
for marines: stop aliens expanding, esp to 3 hives
for aliens: expand, esp to 3 hives

DirtyHarry 04-11-2002 01:06 PM


Originally posted by THAUmaTURgic

Our priority is to get resource towers up!

ok so how do you do that :confused:

DirtyHarry 04-11-2002 01:15 PM


Originally posted by THAUmaTURgic

Aliens start with one Hive. It's as important as the command center. Objective is to build a 2nd and a 3rd to get some awesome abilities. You can build ONE type of UPGRADE CHAMBER for each hive you build. SO with Hive One we would build a sensory chamber - we could not build a defense chamber or movement chamber until we get hive 2, and say we pick defense chamber when our 2nd hive is up. We could not build a movement chamber until we have hive 3. The order of how you build the chambers is completely up to the team but we usually go with sensory first for the cloaking :) Hives also play an extremely vital role in the TYPE of aliens we can evolve to and the abilities that they have.

Thau im confussed on how you build when your an alien, its driving me NUTS! .............arrrr my head hurts.............byebye


THAUmaTURgic 04-11-2002 01:54 PM

Sorry harry :P

You have to be a gorge class alien to do ANY building.

You build resource towers on the circular vents with the white gas coming out. Exactly like the marines do :)

Aarseth 04-11-2002 02:16 PM

ah thanks thau, thats cleared a few things up. Still much prefer the marines but we're all gonna have to learn aliens too for wars.

DirtyHarry 04-11-2002 02:23 PM


Originally posted by THAUmaTURgic
Sorry harry :P

You have to be a gorge class alien to do ANY building.

You build resource towers on the circular vents with the white gas coming out. Exactly like the marines do :)



TISM 04-11-2002 02:57 PM

You forgot something else Thau:-
Aliens smell pooey, and when you blast them they leave a vile green blob.

Combat_Wombat 04-11-2002 03:13 PM

Yep this games rawks :)
WHC should make a team for it, once its abit less laggy the war scene for this really will take off :D

DirtyHarry 04-11-2002 04:28 PM

will NS wars be like Americian football and game of two sides?

ie - one team play's marines for 1.5 hours then change to a Aliens team !

wot do you think o wise 1 ?

just a question thats all!

THAUmaTURgic 04-11-2002 05:31 PM

I have no idea harry - there is apparently a tournatment mode in NS (when you create lan server in advanced options you can choose).

So I'll look into it - but maybe the NS team has already sorted out an effective method. Because honestly - the wars would go for like 2-3 hours otherwise :) haha

oreo 04-11-2002 06:17 PM

SGL NS Server now running 1.01 Beta!

Changes in this release:
- Significantly better performance
- Prevents a player from joining a team if it would make that team have more then 2 players then the other team
- Expires health and ammo after 30 seconds
- Removes all server op control over gameplay variables. We're trying to make sure the public servers are playing the way the game was designed, and so this was necessary.
- Also, there may be some bugs in here.

Aarseth 04-11-2002 06:30 PM

I'm sure the marines have been nerfed as well. Takes a lot of hits to kill aliens now.

DirtyHarry 06-11-2002 07:47 AM

cool thau and oreo , and yeah I worked out the alien thing too !

still cant bite of marines head ...............hehehehe

Combat_Wombat 06-11-2002 08:20 AM

Current thoughts on NS

Skulkers used right are better then marines with lmg

However the alien second levels (fades and lerks) are pretty useless in a straight out firefight, and jetpack or heavy armour + hmg is a nasty combination, which the aliens can't really match.

THAUmaTURgic 06-11-2002 09:50 AM

Yeah fades and lerk are better long range vs marines - unless you do what I did late last night vs Bem, Shinz and Fritz as a fade - cloak then pounce on them :) Blink is extremely effective too - just duckjump as you teleport and aim up - you will get a lot of distance.

Hive 3 Aliens can take out jetpack and hvy armor marines but hive 2 aliens have troubles......

Spacecataz 07-11-2002 01:49 PM

Fade's are very strong now...

fodd 09-11-2002 02:54 PM

the force is strong in thau, he must be hobbled. someone break his fingers

THAUmaTURgic 09-11-2002 02:57 PM

I don't have fingers.

I have one very long talon on each hand and each has printed on them "for fodd" :)

fodd 10-11-2002 03:20 AM

without cloaking ur nothing. NOTHING>>>>

THAUmaTURgic 10-11-2002 03:29 AM

1 Attachment(s)
I wouldn't exactly call myself nothing :P

TISM 10-11-2002 10:44 AM

Thau - You're not of this world. are you?

THAUmaTURgic 10-11-2002 12:13 PM

Of Course not MR Pissy marine!

TISM 11-11-2002 10:59 AM

Oh yeah - who's been your drone builder GORG and psychopathic Fade in the last two Alien victories?

THAUmaTURgic 11-11-2002 11:53 AM

Good to see you've come over to the dark side :)

Nah I'm just all for a challenge - I find marines challenging now since the last nerf. Requires a lot of teamwork and a good solid early strategy.

Combat_Wombat 14-11-2002 08:46 PM

This game comes down to a race between the marines to get hmg and heavy armour, and the aliens to get the third hive

Generally the marines get hmgs by the time the aliens get the second hive

If the marines can outfit their guys with hmgs and heavy armour and stop the aliens from gettting the third hive then they're winning

If the aliens can get a third hive while stopping the marines from loading out on the heavy armour and hmgs then they're winning

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