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Doubt 14-06-2006 10:58 AM

... <pokes his head in>


What's the latest and greatest... all I see is Happy Birthday threads! (I'll be sure to let Silverfish know he's been remembered!)

[zero]Remorse 14-06-2006 12:42 PM

yes, lol, too many zero's and too many birthday's ;)

still, if it wasn't for birthdays this forum would be dead ;) hehehe

latest and greatest? CS: Source - i love it :D

We still have a good turnout on tue and fri nights. Hero is almost always there, and we got some other good regulars as well. Public ppl drop into the server and often come again - so there's no shortage of fresh blood :D

I'm sussing out one of the regular fun night players as a potential zero.

I'm taking 2 weeks off work (had too much annual leave owing) after this week - so I can play some more games - like HL:2 Episode One :D :D :D
Oh, and I'll be doing work on my property as well - local council is giving me 50 plants, so I'll do some work on the garden and plant them.

What's news with you Doubt? Missing Melbourne's cold winter??? :rolleyes:

Doubt 14-06-2006 05:53 PM

Sounds pretty busy for you.. Need to get around to getting some property... because of all that spare time I have!

Umm... Getting married in August....... My daughter was born on the 9th of May..... Usual stuff I guess ;)

CS:Source runs like crap on my pc as i recall.. i installed regular CS today and jumped into a server or three - will download CS:S as well, see if I get a chance to join and ... BOOM HEADSHOT.

[zero]Remorse 15-06-2006 04:38 PM

wooohooo congrat's on becoming a Dad!!!! That's great news!!!! I'm really chuffed for you :D :D :D

And getting married soon as well!!!! Double congrat's! (although I figured that would be happening soon.)

and with all that, u have spare time? :rolleyes: no doubt ;)

good luck with getting CS: S to work well then. Hope to c u online, but I understand if u don't enjoy it.

All the best with the family and all the changes you're going through - so busy!

[zero] Hero 17-06-2006 10:55 PM

congrats doubt.

good to hear alls well......
we might have to have a legacy night rem ;)

go back to the golden days of cs :P

(i know i have sugested that before and never gone threw with it but DAMN IT it should be done :P)

LONG LIVE CS1.6!!!!!!

Lego 18-06-2006 04:43 PM

Daughter and getting married. Geez everyones growing up.

Remember everyone, keep in contact - zero will never die.


[zero] Hero 18-06-2006 08:00 PM


......................................... never!

[zero]Remorse 20-06-2006 12:40 PM

that's the spirit guys! we have such an awesome bunch of ppl in zero eh. that's been the secret to our success and longevity :D

group hug!

Doubt 20-06-2006 02:15 PM

Im pretty sure you're the secret of our longevity Rem.. As long as you're holding the fort, we all come home every now and then :)

(downloaded half of CS:Source, will get the rest during the week).

[zero] Hero 20-06-2006 02:17 PM

i agree doubt.
i think if rem was to drop of the map, zero would slowly disappear.

unless someone took the lead again........


Lego 20-06-2006 03:33 PM

Yeah Rem, never leave us. That's an order.

Doubt 21-06-2006 11:16 AM

Maybe I should change my name to:

[zero remorse] Doubt

Slaide 21-06-2006 06:00 PM

Come play bf2..

You can earn bling.


[zero] Hero 21-06-2006 06:08 PM

what servers do u play slaide ???

[zero]Remorse 22-06-2006 11:48 AM

hahhhah wow, thanks for the pat on the back guys. You know i luv u guys too :D

it's teamwork tho! thankfully there's always been at least one other zero on just about every tuesday and friday night - so it's always fun :D

and lego does a great job with the web site, and forum support

and hero sends us the occasional whacky world politics e-mail to keep us awake..... such a crack-up!

so, there's teamwork that keeps propelling us along :D


Slaide 26-06-2006 06:09 PM

Mostly internode servers for some stupid reason. Perhaps since they have some rules, which sometimes people stick to. But otherwise i'm not sure why. But then again. Quickly getting sick of bf2 and the stupidness of dice / EA's patches.


[zero] Hero 26-06-2006 08:31 PM

i'v had alot of fun with bf2, i'm sure i'll get tired of it someday
then again i'm still not tired of cs1.6 so :P

Slaide 27-06-2006 10:47 PM

Must mean you're some kind of masochist...


[zero]Remorse 27-06-2006 11:52 PM

lol.... hero and I played CZ for several hours today - was such a hoot! Go Hookmod!!!! and more people joined in than join in typically when playing CS Source! And there's some great ol' maps too. What a blast from the past, but a good blast! We'll be doing that some more on Tue/Fri nights. We'll start with CS Source, but if it's just CZ players left, then we'll go for CZ :D

[zero] Hero 28-06-2006 12:09 AM

lol masochist :P

SilverScope 28-06-2006 10:49 AM

boo.... :) howdy

[zero]Remorse 28-06-2006 02:43 PM

g'day scopey! well where have u been? what's the latest news?

SilverScope 28-06-2006 06:07 PM


Originally Posted by [zero]Remorse
g'day scopey! well where have u been? what's the latest news?

well... nowhere really.... ive just finally got around to buying a new power source for the computer so yea... been lazy its taken me like 10 months or so to get it but im back i guess :)

[zero] Hero 29-06-2006 07:11 PM

good to c u silver
carn't remember do you have source :P ??

if not, don't worry rems got the cz server back up and running :D (and if need be 1.6)

DirtyHarry 30-06-2006 03:37 PM


Originally Posted by Lego
Daughter and getting married. Geez everyones growing up.

Remember everyone, keep in contact - zero will never die.



[zero] Hero 30-06-2006 07:44 PM


DirtyHarry 03-07-2006 03:10 PM

ZERO WILL DIE..........

[zero] Hero 03-07-2006 07:54 PM

NOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! !!!!!!!!

zero will live in the hearts and minds of those who have served under its banner.

I will pass the spirit of zero on to my kids and then on to theres :D


up yours dirty dirty dirtyharry :D

[zero]Remorse 04-07-2006 01:14 PM

yer, ner, up yours DH twice as far with a chocolate bar! :P

Zero is very much alive, and as always i'm working on recruiting new members - i'm hoping we'll have someone rather special joining soon, but he still might be baking in the oven.... but i'm hoping! ;) (sshhhh Hero, I don't want to scare this person off ;) )

DH - I know u want to be in zero, but u have to demonstrate a better attitude :P

zero is very much alive - zero r0x0rs ya b0x0rs!

DirtyHarry 04-07-2006 04:10 PM


you know us guys at WHC love you guys!

will the new guy (tism) hehehe be a zit?

[zero]Remorse 05-07-2006 01:50 PM

lol yer, sucking up to us isn't a good way of getting into zero either DH :P

TISM is a zit right now rotfl
But he's not in zero ;)

[zero] Hero 06-07-2006 06:40 PM

sucking up does have an effect on me
but he isn't sucking up enough.

you can do better :D

[zero]Remorse 07-07-2006 12:35 PM

rofl Hero! inspiring people to rise to their personal best is a good thing :D :D

i'm just glad he'll be rising up against you, not me :rolleyes:

[zero] Hero 11-07-2006 08:26 AM

oh naughty :P

i won't be available to play tuesday 11/7
sorry :'(

[zero]Remorse 11-07-2006 12:50 PM

oh nooooooo!!!!! :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

Oh well, at least I can go play CZ now if nobody turns up ;) :D

go the mighty hook!!! rotfl

DirtyHarry 13-07-2006 04:22 PM

so what is 1(hero) v 1(rem) like in zero these days?


[zero]Remorse 14-07-2006 01:22 PM

AWESOME fun!!!! :D

but we do have some other regulars too, just that they're not in zero (yet). oh, and of course we usually have a few other zero's in as well on Tue/Fri nights :P

But u forget DH, we play against the [helpme] clan :rolleyes:
There's always plenty of them :D

Doubt 14-07-2006 01:54 PM

Ahhh I miss the old ole [HelpMe] KillOreo bot. He was my favourite.

[zero] Hero 14-07-2006 04:41 PM

LOL oh memories
how they come flooding back .................................................. ........

LETS PLAY CLASSIC cs1.5 fun maps :D:D:D:D:D :P

(that helpme clan i think have more practice sessions then us, they seem to be getting better everytime i face them :P)

Slaide 18-07-2006 05:47 PM



[zero] Hero 18-07-2006 05:58 PM



he_pacman :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

[zero]Remorse 19-07-2006 01:38 PM

hahaha yes, awesome stuff! I have my CZ server running fine, and i think it has all those maps, plus the hook and chicken mod, etc :D :D :D

my CS 1.6 server goes, but i forget what the status of it is? Hero, do u remember? I think i can still get it to go with 1.6 beta bots, but hero and i tested it a few weeks ago, and i reckon the CZ server is just awesome!!!! We play that now if there's only CZ players left on the server on tue/fri nights.

cs1.5 server - i still have that installed, but no idea if it works or not, and no desire to find out. It uses plbots. No good compared to CZ. :P It used WON authentication as well - and didn't they shut down WON?

CS Source and CZ - those are the winners I reckon!

hey, you guys can stick up a server too! I'd love to play on a server if someone else ran it :D
Note that my upstream network capacity will be downsized soon - so in the next few months my server capacity will be shrunk to 3 or 4 ppl max :cry: (nothing I can do about it tho)

Slaide 19-07-2006 06:56 PM

Perhaps I can be convinced to give my adsl 2+ upstream to the cs cause... Oh and a dedicated server too.. but none of this server side crapola.


[zero]Remorse 20-07-2006 08:01 PM

would u really? tue and fri nights? :D :D :D

what upstream capacity do u have?

if u put up a server, would that mean u would play in it as well? :D :D :D

what do u mean by server side stuff? does that mean manimod? statsme?

[zero] Hero 21-07-2006 10:11 AM

how do you find the connections like with adsl 2+ ??
are you close to the exchange because i hear the speed drops very sharply even a few km's from the exchange?

what speed ? (up and down)

[zero]Remorse 21-07-2006 12:48 PM

speed drops quickly within 1 km - for max speed u have to be within a couple of houses of the exchange (500 metres, and that includes all the wiring inside the exchange, and snaking around the street)

[zero] Hero 21-07-2006 12:57 PM


has anyone played The Ship ?

i heared a reveiw of this game and it sounds awesome...

i'm gona get it :P ............... check it out.

Slaide 21-07-2006 05:54 PM

I only got about 8000 / 1500 on my adsl 2 service. but's that's still better than adsl 1.


[zero] Hero 21-07-2006 08:15 PM

not to shabby

Lego 21-07-2006 11:47 PM


[zero]Remorse 24-07-2006 12:46 PM

wow slaide - AWESOME upstream!!!!! :D :D and downstream quite respectable!

your upstream would support around 20 to 25 human CS players!!!!!!!! (my defacto measure of upstream size ;)) MASSIVE!!!!!!!!!

hero, i know nothing about Ship, soz ;)

Doubt 25-07-2006 05:02 PM


Originally Posted by [zero]Remorse
wow slaide - AWESOME upstream!!!!! :D :D and downstream quite respectable!

Speaking of specs.. what PC specs you guys running nowadays? I'll need an upgrade soon. Once Im back higher than 15fps.. just watch out!

[zero] Hero 25-07-2006 06:20 PM

i'd say any of the new athlon 64 bit dual core cpu's (THERE GREAT)

i have one in my new asus notebook and it kicks ass.

also the 7000 series gfx cards a nice also
but a 6800 (or even a 6600 which i have) would do very well.

at least 1 gig ram

other then that there isn't really anything else to worry about, unless you want to talk about hdd's ....
in my opinion sata to pata makes no real visible difference unless your dealing with photo and video editing (or 3d modeling) alot)

OH and obviously the sound card issue
but you can find good quality sound inbuilt to most mb's these days
(unless you really want to spend several hundred $$$ on a pci or pci-x sound card)

Slaide 25-07-2006 07:24 PM

I've still got my pc from a few years ago.. The only thing I've upgraded in that time is the video card. got a 6800GT (oh and the x-fi music but other than that), which has prolonged it's life a little. But it's getting more processor bound these days.. Only a XP3600+


[zero] Hero 25-07-2006 11:30 PM

lol 3600+
nothing can beat my xp2000+ :P

thats the same cpu i have had for 4 years :)
i'v had to replaced everything else :P over time because of failures.

[zero]Remorse 26-07-2006 01:11 PM

i run a 3.2G P4, and that's more than enough for CS. ppl have had a lot of trouble with running dual core CPU's, so be prepared to fiddle if u get one.

go for PCI xpress for video card. Mine is 8xAGP (ATI X800XT) and cost a fortune last yr, and barely cuts it now. be prepared to spend over $500

hdd, go SATA for sure

RAM - go 2Gb. 1 Gb is barely enough now.

screen - 8ms 19" LCD is good (but I still have an old CRT desk bender)

case? lots of fans and big power supply (> 450W) is necessary cos vid cards and CPU really suck watts these days ;)

but doubt - u do fine in CS, and are still a joy to ghost :)

[zero] Hero 26-07-2006 07:21 PM

SATA was no better then ata
both had a max transfer rate of of 130 mb/s and 150 mb/s

however SATA2 has a transfer rate of 300mb/s
some inprovment i agree

however the next step is 600mb/s

if your gona go sata go sata2

Doubt 01-08-2006 10:53 AM

Lol what do you mean ghost.. you're never a ghost! It's always us watching you and your haX!

As for PC specs.. thanks for that.. i've done a fair bit of research, that Pentium D 805 2.66GHz overclocks to 3.6 on air (just need a better cpu cooling fan), so Im going to be getting that, a SLI motherboard (slaide style you say), and a 7600GS card. (and I'll slot a second one in, in a year, hehe).

Basically going for excellent value for performance. I expect it will more than be capable of CS:S, but Im aiming to have it be useful for a few years, as usual. Step 2 will also be more ram and a SATA II HDD, as mentioned by Hero.

As for not beating the XP 2000+ - that's exactly what I have (1.7GHz, so slow), and it's just not enough. Shame that my Radeon 9600XT is probably too good for the CPU, but it's time for an all-round upgrade, into PCI Express.

DirtyHarry 01-08-2006 04:42 PM


Originally Posted by [zero]Remorse

your upstream would support around 20 to 25 human CS players!!!!!!!! (my defacto measure of upstream size ;)) MASSIVE!!!!!!!!!


[zero] Hero 01-08-2006 05:28 PM

@DirtyHarry :: OH SNAP!

@doubt :: Ya i have the same problem. my 2000+ (1.63 ghz) is not good enough for my 6600gt :P

BUT I LOVE MY notebook.

its amazing it has a turon 2 64bit x2 cpu in it but its clock speed is only 1.6ghz :P
The nVIDIA Geoforce GO FX 7600 - 256 MB and 1 gig ram, probably helps to :D

just goes to show that 64bit and dualcore does add alot more proformance. you don't need high clockspeeds to get that.

carn't wait for the 4 core :P (thats the way there going, no more speed, just more cores)

TISM 07-08-2006 12:06 PM


Originally Posted by [zero] Hero
i agree doubt.
i think if rem was to drop of the map, zero would slowly disappear.

unless someone took the lead again........


hmm . . . must devise sinister plot to eliminate Remorse . . .

Load following modules into Xena Fembots :
1. "Nerd to Hunk" visual overlay.
2. Baldness adoration script
3. Counterstrike appreciation module.
4. "giggling voice" audio decoder connected to detonator.

Unload :
1. Personality recognition code.


[zero] Hero 07-08-2006 02:26 PM

lol nice work tism.
how long did it take you to come up with that lol :P

rem would never fall for that but. he's a crafty bugger.

DirtyHarry 11-08-2006 11:35 AM

so you dont know rem then do you............ :)

[zero]Remorse 08-09-2006 01:51 PM

damn those Xena fembots are good!!!! :D :D :D

i only came out for a second, just time to post a msg about cyrus's b'day, then i'm going back in to play with them fembots!!!! woooohoohooo!!!

Slaide 08-09-2006 05:36 PM

Don't forget to turn off sticky keys.


[zero] Hero 11-09-2006 03:56 PM

OH! :P what a riot

[zero]Remorse 12-09-2006 01:12 PM

sticky keys -> BOOM! Headshot

[zero] Hero 13-09-2006 09:29 PM


Doubt 14-09-2006 01:25 PM

I don't know where the ANY key is, but my keyboard is not found, and I need to press F1 to continue!

[zero]Remorse 15-09-2006 01:11 PM

hahaha - classic BIOS config..... what a crackup

Hero, my Any Key is immediately above the Return Key

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