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DirtyHarry 16-09-2002 08:20 AM

Tism 4 clan leader!
hey boys tism and I went spotlight shooting with 6 others on saturday night.

we had a couple of automatic shotees , 22 with scope and a 308 i think

and the highlight of the night for the all of us , was when one of the young kid hit a rabbit in the back leg , we pulled up next to the rabbit (say about 2m away) and we gave TISM the 22'

first shot .............. missed
secound shot...............missed
third shot..............missed

Harry is now ROFLMAO.................

Ps did you hit it tism with ya fourth shot or did one of the kids ring-its-neck????

After that shooting , me votes TISM to be our next clan leader!!

PPs top night tism thanks! :P

Mudhoney 16-09-2002 09:00 AM

well he's probably used to a rocket-launcher or mini-gun after all...

THAUmaTURgic 16-09-2002 09:45 AM


I see no intelligence in shooting animals. Rather sickens me, as a society with the intelligence level of the 21st century doesn't even have to eat animals, let alone be cruel to them.

(Note: I have been a vegetarian for over a year now - haven't been sick once - So it is very easy to do)

Humans with their superiority complex.... Would be interesting to have an alien race breed humans just to eat them - maybe then home sapiens will learn.

I'm no saint, but I strive for a more enlightened existence than having to devastate everything else for my own desires

DirtyHarry 16-09-2002 09:52 AM

Thau humans r meat eats , so get out there and eat ya meat boy!

ps no one even mention the word intelligence, thau lighten up champ , undo the top button and grap ya gun! its a RABBIT!

PPS I wont tell wot tism did to the possum! j/k


Mudhoney 16-09-2002 09:53 AM

there's a drought down here. roos, rabits, mice in plague proportions. sometimes it's more humane to cull before they eat themselves to starvation. my cousin has a licence to shoot 250 roos on his property for this reason.

DirtyHarry 16-09-2002 09:57 AM

yer we shot about 10 roos , ffs they can jump!

the rabbits and roos r eating the bloody farm , hence thats why we had to shoot them Thau!


THAUmaTURgic 16-09-2002 10:38 AM

Humans are omnivorous. Which means they don't have to eat meat. It is a choice, not a requirement.

Doesn't matter if it's an ant, a rabbit or a blue whale - the ideology of killing something is still the same.

And if its necessary because of culling reason I seriously question the need to use metallic bullets that cause extreme bodily harm and immense pain. But once again the all mighty dollar prevails. Lead is cheaper than the darts and drugs to do it Humanely.

And what sort of word is Humanely? For a species so hell bent on killing and destroying......

Harry - I don't lighten up on these issues, as I see nothing to be light-hearted about, and I have very little time for farmers - Even the intellectual ones I've know have been extremely callous.

DirtyHarry 16-09-2002 11:30 AM

and now in laymens terms thanks Thau !


Kursed 16-09-2002 11:40 AM

Thau, wats ur point of veiw on the fox situation in Tasmania? 16 foxes were released in Tasmania about a year ago by some fruit takes who ddint know wat they were doing. this careless act has caused the foxes to spread almost out of control across Tasmania, and out doing most of our native speacies in nature sometimes cruel survival of the fittest. for examply the Tasmanian tiger is suggested to become extinct if something is not done obout the so called pest of Australia. and i would have to say that exterminating foxes from Tasmania is the only way, u cant possibly try and keep them enclosed or something. and if u look at wat foxes have done to the rest f Australia then its pretty darn clear :)

ona lighter note... its good to see another person with a clear passage of thuoght and conceionsce about things going on in around them, most of the things u have said i agree with. and who knows because of my brothers influence i can probly see my self becoming a vegetarian in the not so distant future. but i still like my meat :D

anyway better stop rambling. and soz for intruding into ur convo and forum :)


DirtyHarry 16-09-2002 12:02 PM

join in anytime drukqs ,

btw most girls like meat too! in more ways than one

hence eat ya meat!

rednecks . down . south .

Aarseth 16-09-2002 12:05 PM

om•niv•o•rous Pronunciation Key (m-nvr-s)
1. Eating both animal and vegetable foods.
2. Taking in everything available, as with the mind: an omnivorous reader.

To be fully healthy a human needs a balanced diet of plants and small amounts of meat/fish for protein.

The three most intelligent species on this planet all eat animals: dolphins, octopus and humans. The reason being that our large brains need lots of protein to run at optimum efficiency. Why did we develop larger brains than herbivores? Because we needed them to hunt animals. It’s the cycle of mother nature sorry to say.

I agree that certain practices of raising animals for food are cruel (chickens for example) but the fact is that evolution has determined that we eat both plants and animals. It's up to us to do it without causing unnecessary suffering.

DirtyHarry 16-09-2002 12:12 PM

agree with ya 100 and 10 per cent flea.

its not my fault Tism cant hit it with one shot , poor rabbit was shitting it self!


Mudhoney 16-09-2002 12:14 PM

I agree, and I think the RSPCA does too. I reckon if a need to cull is there, bullets are fine if used properly and very nearly as humane as other methods, especially given the probable unsuitability of other methods for roos etc. I don't know too many farmers who are into torture.

DirtyHarry 16-09-2002 12:17 PM

here here 100 and 20 per cent with ya mud ,

but no aminals were tortured or left to die in this story!

THAUmaTURgic 16-09-2002 12:44 PM


Humans need a mixture of minerals and vitamins to stay healthy. It just so happens that plants and animals provide that. But it is not the sole source. One day we will be able to mine the minerals into pills that will provide us with all that our body needs.

Meat is not the only source of protein. Or I would have been dead a long time ago. So your argument about humans needing small amounts of fish/meat becomes invalid.

The cycle of nature is about survival. Humans do not need to eat meat to survive. So saying - sorry, that's the way it is - is untrue. It's a well worn excuse by humans who care little about anything but the square they live in.

Evolution is about change, so it is fair to say that we can EVOLVE past the mindest (and that's all it is) that we "HAVE TO" eat meat, and one day past eating plants too.

Now drukqs;

a) I believe you mean the tasmanian devil, as the tasmanian tiger has been officially extinct since the last female died in melbourne zoo around 1930).
b) I did like eating steak, seafood etc too. But I found it morally wrong.

On to your question:

The fox situation is tricky, just like any pest situation. But nature is survival of the fittest, just because humans caused the problem does not give us the right to just go in and kill the foxes. It's not the foxes fault that they're there. Let it be, some animals will adapt, the weaker will perish.

Nature has the ability to balance things, no matter how devastating it gets it will find an equilibrium eventually. It has done so in the past with thousands of ice ages, meteor hits, immense volcanic uprisings. 15 billion years of universal balance compared to humankinds 2000 years of many failures. Humans should leave it to the expert (i.e nature) to fix the problem, and only try to prevent it from happening again.

Mud - Which would you prefer. To die by injection or feel yourself ripped apart by bulletwounds. Don't be so easy to judge before you jump into the shoes of the victim.

Mudhoney 16-09-2002 01:02 PM

I would prefer whatever is quickest. As I said, a properly executed shot is the most painless option IMHO. As I also said, darts are completely impractical for a large-scale shoot in the australian bush.

DirtyHarry 16-09-2002 01:16 PM

thau sit down m8 and take a rest!

wot do you think the whole world will just wake up in the morning and take a pill ?

thau get out side and get some air ! if the cavemen didnt eat meat then you wouldn't be here !

anyway the post was about tism's shit shooting !!! not a post about eat meat or not!

over and out }{arry!

THAUmaTURgic 16-09-2002 01:39 PM

I have no disillusions about the world harry. I've always said that 99.9% of the world are dickheads, and theres a stark difference between intelligence and intellect.

I understand the origins of humans, but that doesn't restrict us to not evolving. Otherwise we would still be living in caves.

Mud - How many shots on moving targets are properly executed? We're not talking about Swat and Delta force snipers who are culling these animals. Have to love how humankind feels the need to play god in picking what has to be killed. (no I don't believe in god - just a figure of speech)

Darts aren't impractical, they're just more expensive.

Kursed 16-09-2002 01:46 PM


a) I believe you mean the tasmanian devil, as the tasmanian tiger has been officially extinct since the last female died in melbourne zoo around 1930).

at least one of us knew, but i wasnt exactly sure which was the extinct one already =/

i know wat u mean thau, but a fox is one of those speacies much like humans i beleive, all they do is destroy. there are many plants and animals that live in tasmania that are found no where else in the world. if we allow this stupid decission made by careless humans to be left to nature then it will not fix the problem only make it worse. the wearker may die out, but why is this a good thing when the stronger is a calliber of a fox? would u like to see a diverse ecosystem filled with native wildlife or have it turn into somehtign that resembles much that of australia.

maybe im wrong, i dont know but i dont think that something that a few humans has done that can cause such a blow to wat many call australia last real piece of nature (i think dont quote me on that :)) is really sadning and i think that it should bea cted, as it is being acted before it is too late, sometimes nature works and is quite sufficant but in this case i beleive that nature will fix this problem


THAUmaTURgic 16-09-2002 01:55 PM

I don't trust humankinds ability to solve problems in nature. Just look at what happened with the cane beetles/cane toads.

What humankind doesn't realise is that nature has been shifting species for so long it's uncanny. For every species alive today there has been one billion before it that have come and gone.

Human kind upsets the balance a lot! But by trying to cure the problem will we just upset it even more. And as stated before. Is it our place to play god with culling the foxes.

Mudhoney 16-09-2002 02:03 PM

the targets are usually stationary when a shot is taken. if it is wounded, then you drive over and in about 10s it's dead. a very high % of shots result in instant death.

darts would have shorter range, less accuracy, probably can't auto-load and can still do nasty damage if they don't hit in the right area.

neither method is 100% perfect, I'm just saying that there's not as much difference as you might think. I've been shooting a few times (usually as observer) and I'm personally satisfied that a skillful shooter can humanely kill animals when necessary.
There's no quicker and less stressful death than a bullet to the head.

Aarseth 16-09-2002 02:05 PM

Thau it's true that in our modern society a person doesn't need meat to survive. In 1st world countries survival of the fittest has largely been eliminated through our technology. While taking pills can give you the vitamins and minerals you need they are not the most efficient way to get them.

The fact is that muscles need quite a bit of protein. A mate of mine has been a vegan (no meat or animal products) for quite a while. However he plays a lot of sport and found that he simply didn't have enough energy or strength for what he was doing even though he took supplements. He's started eating small amounts of red meat again and says that the difference has been quite dramatic. I also don't think you'd find any world class athletes who are strictly vegitarian.

It's quite possible that sometime in the future our food technology may get to the point where vitamins in the form of a pill will be as effective as the real thing however currently they are not.

I do commend you on your stance on eating meat and I'm sure you'll survive just fine without it. But don't expect to run any marathons any time soon :P

Mudhoney 16-09-2002 02:09 PM

PS: keep the thread going.. fire everyone up for TFC prac tonite :P thau, you'd better go HWG :P

THAUmaTURgic 16-09-2002 02:19 PM

Ok we bring humans into the equation. The skillful shooter has to want to humanely kill, which may not always be the case.

I have not had your experience of observing the hunts mud (as you would never get me on one - I won't even go to the races as i'm strongly against it), but when you factor in the sound of gunfire it seems unlikely that many targets would be stationary. Darts doing nasty damage in the wrong area? Only place it could do nasty damage would be the eye - and that would be an extremely rare shot.

SilverScope 16-09-2002 02:22 PM


Originally posted by Fritz's Fleas

The three most intelligent species on this planet all eat animals: dolphins, octopus and humans.

humens? intelligent?

/me remembers world war one and two


THAUmaTURgic 16-09-2002 02:24 PM

Fritz - your friend does strike me as a hypocrite.

If he was so strongly motivated to become a vegen (which is a very strong dedication - i'm only vegetarian), why did he not give up - or even restrict his sporting activites due to the fact that his diet didn't provide enough protein.

Mudhoney 16-09-2002 02:30 PM

most bullets are I think supersonic, so they hit the roo before it hears the shot. You don't just go blazing away at a running heard.

MajorDomo 16-09-2002 02:38 PM


This is a bit of a lively debate for a Monday....

I didn't know you were a vege as well Thau? - does this mean Slaide will have to provide some vegetarian catering next time he has a lan day? :)

Personally, I know people whose whole families are vegetarian - including the dog. They are all fit and healthy and have lots of energy. Being vegetarian just means you have to be a lot more concious of your diet. If you are vegan, it means you miss a lot of the protein intake eggs and dairy gives you.

My view is any product that didn't involve killing the animal in any way is ok.

By the way - isn't it a CS war tonight? Not a TFC war?

PS. No lentils please Slaide - can't stand em! :P

Mudhoney 16-09-2002 02:45 PM

there's a war then tfc prac at 8:30 sticky

THAUmaTURgic 16-09-2002 02:55 PM

I agree, any product that doesn't kill the animal is *reasonably* ok.

Just for slaide's lan days I'll be a frequent at subway. Love those veggie subs. mmm :)

And Mud - I didn't mean the first shot, I meant subsequent shots. The rest of the herd would be a little edgy, with good reason.

Mudhoney 16-09-2002 02:58 PM

yeh I know. you wait until they settle again before taking another shot. It's not like there's this constant crackle of gunfire, at least not if it's done by ppl who know what they're doing. there was one disgraceful govt organised cull a couple of years ago that left some wounded animals. this has been universally condemned and with good reason

DirtyHarry 16-09-2002 03:07 PM

most vegen r full of shit!

Ive got mates that say there vegen but then eat hotdogs ,chip etc

thau do you eat mc donalds food?

arrr the kids of day pftt!

DirtyHarry 16-09-2002 03:14 PM


Originally posted by THAUmaTURgic
I have no disillusions about the world harry. I've always said that 99.9% of the world are dickheads, and theres a stark difference between intelligence and intellect.

so wot group are you in thau


or 1%?

if there was 6 billion rabbits in the world and were smart , do you think that they wouldn't shot us humans?

the weak never never survive!!!!

hence the lion in the jungle!

Kursed 16-09-2002 03:27 PM

i wouldnt trust human kind either, but i dunno i just feel that humans just might do less damage than the foxes thats all

and congrats, u may just be in the 0.1% of the worlds population :)

THAUmaTURgic 16-09-2002 03:28 PM

Chips are made of potato harry :) Not meat. So yes I do eat them. Though barely touch fast food.

And harry - putting things in reverse does not make it any less wrong. The trick with being an intelligence species is to actually show it sometimes.

Kursed 16-09-2002 03:31 PM

going off the topic :)

wat sort of music u listen to thau, like bands, type of music ect. just curious, i beleive the music that one listens to reflecs alot on a person :D

Aarseth 16-09-2002 03:52 PM

Thau listens to Death Metal :P

THAUmaTURgic 16-09-2002 04:00 PM

My music tastes are extremely varied.

From classical, to jazz, to rock, through to even some of the latest stuff. I'm not too fussed about the recent music though - just the odd song.

My favourite songs are generally late 70s and 80s music. Bands such as talking heads, police, cold chisel, ub40, human league and favourite singer would have to be billy joel. He consistently has the most meaningful songs that are still "songs".

Kursed 16-09-2002 04:11 PM

one word - tool, listen to it. if u havent already, judgeing by wat u have writting, although i might be wrong u should really liek them. if ya dont give them a go anyway :)

Mudhoney 16-09-2002 04:17 PM

j00 eediots!!! Listen to Mudhoney! new CD just out!

THAUmaTURgic 16-09-2002 04:29 PM

ok I'll give em a go.

Oh and how could I forget ACDC :) Max volume, bass up nice and high through good subwoofers. Mmmm

Slaide 16-09-2002 05:26 PM

What do you call Thau in a bath.

Vegie soup.


Slaide 16-09-2002 05:27 PM

I thought I'd add some of that famous "Intelligence" that I keep hearing about.

Anyways.. Next lan day will feature MtG. Just went and bough 12 decks.. :/ Don't let my missus know..


DirtyHarry 16-09-2002 06:56 PM


Originally posted by THAUmaTURgic
Chips are made of potato harry :) Not meat. So yes I do eat them. Though barely touch fast food.

And harry - putting things in reverse does not make it any less wrong. The trick with being an intelligence species is to actually show it sometimes.

thau im not going to be to serious about this thread n\but if you and you say you r a vegen.

then your a hypocrite too because vegen wouldn't eat macdonald chip because there cocked in animal fat!!!!.

ok thau now does that past as intelligenece , and I might not be the smarted around here with pc's but im intelligent with da women!!!!

yeah baby!!!!!
:D :cool: :P

blackThorn. 16-09-2002 08:43 PM

Mc'Donald's Chips R too Salty...

blackThorn. 16-09-2002 08:48 PM

Vege People who call themself one should only be eating vegies otherwise they aint classified as one i rekon ;)

THAUmaTURgic 16-09-2002 09:08 PM

I'm not a vegen - never said I was.


And are you sure they use animal fat? Thought everyone was onto vegetable oil now.

DirtyHarry 16-09-2002 09:11 PM


Slaide 16-09-2002 10:46 PM



MajorDomo 17-09-2002 06:10 AM


The McDonalds fries are cooked in vege oil, however they are not vegetarian Thau - they use beef seasoning on them. There was a big stink in India (where cows are sacred) because of this....

Also avoid their ice-cream....

Do you abstain from all gelatin and rennet too? - they are animal by-products.

DirtyHarry 17-09-2002 07:01 AM

correct stickman I couldn't remember wot the stink in india was!

I was thinking it was there breath , but it was da beef seasoning!!


THAUmaTURgic 17-09-2002 08:20 AM

Interesting Stick. Not that I ever eat macdonalds anyway - but no no now. As far as I know i don't eat gelatine and rennet.

Never seen mum cook with the stuff..... Though most stuff I eat is packaged as vegetarian. Notbacon ownz btw - much better than the real stuff.

DirtyHarry 17-09-2002 10:36 AM

thau ok so your a Vegetarian!

but do you wear leather shoes???


Mudhoney 17-09-2002 12:17 PM

can someone lock this thread ffs?

THAUmaTURgic 17-09-2002 12:30 PM

LoL mud.

I don't wear leather shoes Harry - they are synthetics. My belt and watch are leather though - but I didn't buy them and I've had them for a lot longer than I've been a vegetarian.

They are the only animal products that I own and will ever own. It's hypocritical to wear them, I agree. However I feel it would be more disrespectful to the dead animals just to chuck them away.

DirtyHarry 17-09-2002 01:06 PM

hahahahhaha lol


yeah it getting a bit silly now MUD!

but the morel to the thread is that tism cant aim!

THAUmaTURgic 17-09-2002 01:43 PM

Yup - something we all agree on.

Tism Can't aim :)

Thread locked now.

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