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[zero] Hero 18-01-2004 06:17 PM

i am working on my web site layout which can be found by clicking my signature. can some ppl please comment on it give me some feedback and try testing the tagger. i have a feeling its not working right.

Lego 18-01-2004 08:47 PM

Your using Frontpage, thats your problem

[zero] Hero 19-01-2004 03:00 AM

lol ya but how else am i suposed to ?
i don't know html (not yet anywayz) and its the only webpage builder i got

[zero] Evidence 19-01-2004 03:00 AM

Eyecandy = 7.5
Source code layout = 9
Encription of sorce and security overall = 2
Code level = 1
Dialup friendlyness = 2.5
Set theme (overall) = 9.5
Content Usfullness = 1
User friendlyness = 7
Old foegy appeal = 1.5

Annoyancy (lower better) = 3
Buggyness (lower better) = 0
Glitches (lower better) = 4

Oppinion, Get rid of frountpage, and get out either Notepad or Dreamweaver MX, this will get you lower annoyancy and glitches.

Fonts for the links are jaggedy, and a bit hard to see, and that thing on the left hand side needs a bit of describtion and a little bit of fixing the "error: no flooding" thing. (30 mins later and I can't even post another message...) and you might want to think of another colour schem for it as well. This will bring up the user-friendlyness and eyecandyness.

Encription of sorce and security overall, well... you dont have any members only section... so i can't mark that, but to stop people playing around with your sorce code, I would encript it with an encripted.

Code level, html is ok... but to make it nice and sleek use a mixture of php, mysql, flash (maybe), and a little bit of html.

Dial-up friendlyness is at the expense of some eyecandy, cant help you there.

Content Usfullness, quotes I might use but nothing else...

Other than that, it's a realy good amature website.

[zero]Remorse 19-01-2004 01:00 PM

lol Hero - that's a great site!!! I love it! You've done a great job.... and it will be even better as you get more content up.... I like it... I think it compliments the ZERO site in a way, and that we should link to it from the ZERO site when you've got a bit more content up

I find it a very friendly and fun site - very interesting stuff, quite different to other sites

I like it... good work!!! :D :D

I really like the "tagger" although it needs a little work as it was a little hard to use and it could be abused quite a lot, but i think it's a great concept.... maybe just fix the submit button for tags and leave it at that... see how it goes and if it does get abused.... i haven't seen a "tagger" on other sites, and I really like it - it fits well with the friendliness of your site

a bug i noticed is that the links to "Home" and "Hero Web" at the top don't work.... they go to - which doesn't exist :(

[zero]Remorse 19-01-2004 01:01 PM

let us know when u got some more stuff up, cos i'd like to check it out again :D

[zero] Hero 20-01-2004 10:48 AM

lol yes i have seen that error two rem i just have been busy latly :P. tagger i have seen before but mainly on webpage design sites :p .

Evidence :- the content isn't ment to be anything special its really just a site i made for myself, and to put some usless stuff on the net (like it needs more). encription i couldn't care about at the moment, and using other codes i would love but simple problem of not knowing them :P. i use frontpage becausei don't know html, php, java or any of that. the tafe course i am doing we learn quite a few languages so i am looking forward to that :D.

Content still to come :- screenshots, wallpapers i made and think are cool :P, general info about myself and links (which i wouldn't mind some input with :P)

[zero] Hero 20-01-2004 10:49 AM

oh and the flood error is that you carn't post again until someone else posts.

[zero]Remorse 20-01-2004 01:02 PM

it's all good hero..... and i wouldn't worry about encryption at all - good luck to anyone who wants to steal your code ;)

and frontpage is great for web sites - it doesn't matter what u use to make your html.... your site works and looks good, and that's what matters.... u do good graphics too :D

[zero] Hero 20-01-2004 07:04 PM

lol thanks :D

[zero] Evidence 21-01-2004 01:11 AM

oops, I got the feeling thate I offended you hero, altho it was not my intention...

All I wanted to do was to share my enlightenments with all aspecs of your website. :)

[zero] Hero 21-01-2004 01:15 AM

no i wasn't offended and i welcome any comments about it :) the more feedback i get the more i learn.

[zero] Hero 21-01-2004 01:15 AM

i have dream weaver now is that better ?

[zero]Remorse 21-01-2004 02:49 PM

only if it the end result is better ;)

your site is good already :P

[zero] Evidence 21-01-2004 04:39 PM

Yep, much better. With dreamweaver I ripped of websites using teleport pro then i looked and fiddled with the code of the website that I downloaded, doing that enabled me to code my own websites from scratch :)

[zero] Hero 21-01-2004 07:35 PM

ok cool

[zero] Hero 21-01-2004 11:32 PM

if i wanted to turn a video into a gif file what kind of programs would i need ?

[zero]Remorse 22-01-2004 12:53 PM

there's prolly another way to do it, but with some movie players u can output jpg images (or maybe gifs) at the rate of x many per second into a directory, then use something like paint shop pro animator to string all the gifs into a single animated gif file..... i have a program that can do that movie to jpg conversion but i can't remember what it is right now (i'm at work) but i'm sure someone else can suggest one :D (oro put me on to gordian knot last week, and that seems pretty amazing and could prolly do it for you)

oreo 02-02-2004 11:41 AM

Indeed it can rem, not gordian knot itself but Virtualdub (what gknot uses to encode)

if you open the video in vdub you can then cull the video you don't want (select start, select end, press "del" key) do this till you have the small segment of video you want, then file -> save as pictures (or something to that effect, at work can't tell you exactly, I KNOW it is in file -> though.

When you go through the options this'll create so many jpg files (if you selected jpg) then load up something that can make animated gifs load the jpgs and you're done.

I've never made a animated gif in my life so that may not be the easiest way.

[zero] Hero 02-02-2004 12:44 PM

ok thanks :D and hello

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