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Paragon101st 13-06-2005 02:09 AM

Words of Wisdon from Goon...
Okay, edit: I must have been out of it to post something like that...carry on, nothing to see here...

zsinj 13-06-2005 10:36 PM!?!

Paragon101st 14-06-2005 12:12 AM

Shit, if it shocked Zsinky like that...rock on.

zsinj 14-06-2005 05:37 PM

well i'm sorry if the unexplained posting of an erotic (nay pornographic) piece of literature caught me a little unawares...

Paragon101st 14-06-2005 05:57 PM

Well, consider this experience to give you a +2 bonus to Fortitude the next time a piece of erotic fiction catches you unawares.

Paryniux 29-06-2005 12:15 AM

Also, panties.

SuperSammo 29-06-2005 12:23 AM

You also get first strike.

/me points at Explosive's Ass...

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