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[zero]Remorse 04-05-2003 03:09 PM

Welcome to Hero as a FULL ZERO
Congratulations to our new [zero] Hero - he was voted in by a clear majority of ZERO's. So, welcome to [zero] Hero!!!!!

Onya Hero! Wear that ZERO tag with pride, and as you honour the tag, may it bring you strength, wisdom, courage, and a bullet-proof vest ;)

We look forward to getting to know you more, and building teamwork with you :)

And thanks to the 10 zero's that voted..... gw :D

soz this msg is a bit late (Hero became a full zero on April 23), but better late than never ;)

Dark_Flash 04-05-2003 04:04 PM

congrats random hero!

SilverScope 04-05-2003 06:20 PM

took ya god damn time :D haha WELCOME MR HERO :D

[zero] Hero 05-05-2003 04:32 PM

thanx guys :D

Instinct 09-05-2003 03:55 PM

may zero prosper with ur help

Cookiemonster 31-05-2003 02:18 PM

but you dont waR!!

Dark_Flash 31-05-2003 11:27 PM

cookie, its been 22 days since this was last replied to.

Instinct 01-06-2003 06:17 AM


[zero] Hero 01-06-2003 01:24 PM

lol:stupid: rotfl

[zero]Remorse 02-06-2003 01:09 PM

lol gw DF :D

ZERO is about more than just warring.... we're a bunch of mates that like CS and other games and like teaming up, in real life too :D

[zero] Hero 02-06-2003 03:29 PM

thats what make's this clan the best :D

Slaide 02-06-2003 05:22 PM

yay.. go the threesomes..


[zero]Remorse 03-06-2003 01:42 PM


Slaide 03-06-2003 06:02 PM

Well you can only fit three people in...

Your server


[zero] Blyth 03-06-2003 09:16 PM


The Threesome...

Here are some sugestions...

Jenifer Love Hewitt and Alyssa Milarno and me.

In 2 years time....
The Olsen Twins and me.

Im sure that I can think of some others... Later...

Slaide 03-06-2003 09:23 PM

<---- Step aside junior... I am l337


[zero]Remorse 04-06-2003 12:37 PM


Originally posted by Slaide
Well you can only fit three people in...

Your server

yer... and it makes me cry.... we need a server that can run bots with decent bandwidth..... i do hear that telstra cable upstream may be going back up to 512kbps at some stage - and that would mean 10-12 ppl like i used to be able to manage :D

but until we find another server... i'm stuck to just 3 ppl b4 the pings go thru the roof :cry:

Dark_Flash 05-06-2003 05:01 PM

its alright. as a chicken with 2 min freezetime i can take em all out

Cookiemonster 05-06-2003 10:43 PM

but it doeasnt matter if hes not initiated into zero if you dont war :)

he can be a friend... or not a friend... and jsut shoot things with you guys,

oreo 05-06-2003 11:17 PM

See, if he's a so called "friend" it means I can toy with him.

If he's a zero, he's immune.

[zero]Remorse 06-06-2003 12:41 PM

rofl oro!!!

DF - i think u took em almost all out in 30 second freezetime - go the super chicken!!!! :D :D

Dark_Flash 09-06-2003 01:57 PM

buck buck.... buckbuck..... bababuck..

[zero] Hero 10-06-2003 09:01 PM

lol got to love the chicken ...................................... Whats that a train :P

[zero]Remorse 11-06-2003 01:07 PM

lol.. that sound sends shivers down my neck Hero - and my finger hovers over the mute button :P

Dark_Flash 11-06-2003 07:04 PM

(i always thought it was "SHOOT THE CHICKEN!" until not too long ago)

[zero] Hero 11-06-2003 07:53 PM

lol true. i want to record the saying from the movie Friday.
You Got Knoked the f**k out hahaha.
but when i try the sound i get when i play it in cs is just shit you carn't hear the sound just static prity much.

[zero]Remorse 12-06-2003 01:21 PM

yep, i have that prob on some sound files too and i'm not sure why.... I ave more Xena wav's but can't get them all audible!!!

what the language tho Hero pls :P

[zero] Hero 12-06-2003 03:23 PM

there ya go i fixed it. ya sorry :P

[zero]Remorse 13-06-2003 01:06 PM

lol, nice try :P

[zero] Hero 15-06-2003 01:30 PM

so do ya have any idea rem what the matter is with these sounds because like i'm stumped :bang:

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