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[zero]Remorse 17-04-2007 01:31 PM

Welcome to [zero] Foxy
Welcome to [zero] Foxy, who has been playing with us for quite some months now. He's definitely got what it takes be zero :)

Hero, Taste & I voted him in during last Friday fun night - he'd been a ZIT for about 3 weeks and if I didn't pull my finger out and do some kind of a vote he was going to pop!:killtard:

Foxy used to be known as "David Fox", and he's there every Tue and Fri night :D

Foxy also fixed the long standing issue on my server where a TK would cause the server to crash - so now we can TK each other sometimes for fun ;) rotfl

Lego 21-04-2007 04:30 PM

Welcome :)

SilverScope 27-04-2007 03:57 PM

welcome ;) woo!!!

meh thats all i got to say :D

[zero]Remorse 30-04-2007 12:54 PM

wooohoooo SS! Haven't seen u for ages!!! How's life going? How many kids u got now :rolleyes:

SilverScope 30-04-2007 10:07 PM

I've been ok, very busy with work and cricket (season over at the moment) and starting uni next year which should be fun :) had my time doing full-time work and decided i wanted to change my career. Im going to do Primary Education. (PE would be the major)

Other than that not much has changed, no kids as of yet, still with my girl though :) no wedding yet either she still hasn't finished uni :D
Fuck im old :P haha turning 21 in a couple weeks should be fun :) big bash time!!

How are you rem? how's lucy going? still strong? ;)

[zero]Remorse 01-05-2007 12:38 PM

aaah... no wedding yet.... it's good to take ur time on some matters ;)

will be 21? ur just a babe still rotfl

I'm good. Still going with Lily (pretty close to "Lucy", good memory!!!) - coming up to 2 yrs!!!! She's heading back to China for a visit with her parents in October - I plan to go with her and "meet the parents" :eek:

SilverScope 01-05-2007 10:31 PM

haha i meant lucy lawless, i actually totally forgot your partners name!! :D

Meeting the parents is the fun part.............. hardly.

[zero]Remorse 02-05-2007 02:05 PM

rofl! Xena is great :D :D :D She talks to me every day, and I see her every day! My desktop theme, and sounds in CS server - aaaah... i love lucy!

My gf's parents don't speak English, and I don't speak Chinese - so it will be difficult indeed!

What about Michelle's parents? They Asian? Maybe you can give me some tips ;)

SilverScope 02-05-2007 10:40 PM

1 Attachment(s)
haha supirising to say no they are not asian :D

To prove my point i provided a picture :P :whip:

have you or are you taking lessons? or is lily teaching you?

[zero] Hero 03-05-2007 08:09 AM

AHHHHH!!!!! SS NO WAY!!!!! ...........

good to see your still kicking.

i turn 21 in a few weeks now :) if all goes to plan my 21st bday will be nothing but a black hole in my memory.

[zero]Remorse 03-05-2007 01:19 PM

lol Hero - successful 21st = memory loss ;)

SS - she's gorgeous! But not Asian?!?!?!??!?!?!? V suprising! And here I've fallen for an Asian :P

[zero] Hero 03-05-2007 01:34 PM

I love asian women

especially japanese ladies.....

[zero]Foxy 24-06-2007 05:31 PM

Woah. Thats weird.
Its good to be here! (After finaly going around rem and getting lego to allow me to post).

[zero]Remorse 28-06-2007 01:26 PM

i wish i knew what Lego did to get u going! any idea?

[zero]Foxy 04-07-2007 11:00 AM

Yeh, I've used fourms before. Its an admin option, and I can't really describe where it is. Been too long. >_>;

[zero]Remorse 10-07-2007 01:00 PM

last i heard you had to know a password to post in the zero private forum, which i should tell u ;)

everyone should be able to post in the general forum tho! I'm not aware of anything I can or am supposed to do. It's supposed to be open to all.

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