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MajorDomo 03-08-2002 12:47 AM

New Birth
As one Zero leaves the re-birth of another is formed...

just saying hi for my very extended leave...from zero..
but i am still around...ive had many troubles...u dont need to be concerned about.

rem i will be attending more zero sessions..and be in the forums alot more, i look forward 2 some traditional zero owning and fun many years ago ;) im sure rem leg res and orouke understand what im talkin about... hay rem...little redemption has grown up now.. in 3 months i will be in sydney living..and than i will be much more permanent member.... for the last 4 months ive been playin a littel cs ;) so i can still own oroukes ass :) arrrr its good 2 be back.:bash:

Instinct 03-08-2002 09:47 AM

hi redo, im sure u dunno me :) just sayin hi here :D

MajorDomo 03-08-2002 05:37 PM

hello...i will get 2 know u soon :) don worry

Slaide 03-08-2002 05:41 PM

Just be prepared for more bs than ever..


Oh BTW Hello.. :)

oreo 03-08-2002 06:10 PM

^^ slaps Redemption, come to SGL when your in syd dammit :)

btw, red, im sure you dont need to play any cs @ all to wipe the floor with me in CS... :(

--- Slaide, bs, who p YOU Calling BS, you always take me out with bs shots :)

MajorDomo 03-08-2002 06:23 PM

ahhaha oreo.......

u still play dont ya ?

oh and when im in syd the 1st thing im gonna do is gamers league :) ohhhh ohhh sooo sweet.....ill be able 2 use the athlon xp 2200 with the new radion thats about 2 come out...and all the rest of it...sweet computer......and than we can finally meet.

ps hows cogee goin ?

Slaide 03-08-2002 11:22 PM

I didn't specify who the bs was coming from.. :p


Instinct 04-08-2002 12:37 AM

xp 2400+ is comin soon :D

Conscience 04-08-2002 09:20 AM

Red!!! long time no see.. good to have you around again maen

oreo 04-08-2002 02:11 PM

my god you remembered a suburb you had never even heard of bfor :)

Ererrr fine, but its been HOT then COLD dammit...... i wish the tempreature would just decide whether it wants winter of summer!

Thanatos 04-08-2002 03:20 PM


oreo 04-08-2002 04:01 PM

Here you go thanny

One entry found for suburb.
Main Entry: sub·urb
Pronunciation: 's&-"b&rb
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Latin suburbium, from sub- near + urbs city -- more at SUB-
Date: 14th century
1 a : an outlying part of a city or town b : a smaller community adjacent to or within commuting distance of a city c plural : the residential area on the outskirts of a city or large town
2 plural : the near vicinity : ENVIRONS
- sub·ur·ban /s&-'b&r-b&n/ adjective or noun
- sub·ur·ban·ite /-b&-"nIt/ noun

Thanks to

SilverScope 04-08-2002 06:57 PM

haha oreo, hi redemption :) im ss as most ppl call me, not part of zero, but good friends with most :) wb from wherever you went (no need to tell me where) :)

MajorDomo 04-08-2002 07:39 PM

hahaha oreo....MMMMM i know every sub-burb ;) in sydney.
i think .....cogee is the home of shore dumping waves...ouoch

ive had many good memories of cogee when i used 2 booog board there

MajorDomo 04-08-2002 07:40 PM

and damnit why the hell hasnt remorse said anything yet :)
geee when i get my hands on him :)

u can still be mad at me for leaving for so long ay rem >?

Cokester 04-08-2002 08:22 PM

i like ice cream

and coke!@!%^^!@

GooTaK 04-08-2002 10:33 PM

nuff said where he is

oreo 04-08-2002 10:36 PM


Originally posted by Redemption
and damnit why the hell hasnt remorse said anything yet :)
geee when i get my hands on him :)

u can still be mad at me for leaving for so long ay rem >?

hes had hes tonsils out, and it hurts him.
Blah when u left zero you accussed me of cheating

Instinct 04-08-2002 10:37 PM

damn it thats my picture :p and my ftp heh

Slaide 04-08-2002 10:37 PM

everyone accuses you of cheating..

You cheating bitch.. :p


Thanatos 04-08-2002 11:24 PM

Yeah, I didn't see any suburb when I read through before. I see it now.

[zero]Remorse 12-08-2002 01:05 PM

I'm back!!! Today is my first day back at work full-time (was afternoons only previous week) and so here I am reading all this stuff during my lunch break!


We had seen u once or twice on over the last few months I think, but that's great news that you'll be more regular :D It'll be great to team up with u again like ol' days Red - that was sooo much fun b4 :D

Doubt 12-08-2002 01:45 PM

Haha how ironic, I'm home sick today.

Doubt :satan:

Instinct 12-08-2002 04:38 PM

rem why dun u go out n EAT !!!
so u're not gunna go SICK again hahaha
well dun u go eat @ ur lunchtime ??

[zero]Remorse 13-08-2002 12:33 PM

soz doubt - i knew i shouldn't have kissed u that time, now YOU have glandular fever too!!!

Insty - I eat while I do the forums. If I went out at lunch, i'd miss out on the forums! So if I have a day off, or a holiday - i don't check the forums :p I only even check e-mail and icq at home a few times a week.

Slaide 13-08-2002 02:23 PM

Joo forum whore.. :)


Doubt 13-08-2002 06:33 PM

When you get 2 hour lunches like I do, you get to do everything, Rem. I go get lunch, read the forums, play some CS, play some foosball, go chat to people, check all my emails, read the news....

[zero]Remorse 14-08-2002 12:53 PM

play CS at work??? I'd like to see YOUR office!!! Must be at your home??

Doubt 14-08-2002 01:03 PM

Heh, ask the fish, he's been here for a game before.

Doubt :satan:

[zero] Blyth 16-08-2002 07:48 PM

Any one seen Redemption on a server ????

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