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-   -   ** sOz - ex clan member Nova. (

[zero] Blyth 02-10-2002 07:31 PM

** sOz - ex clan member Nova.
Guys - just to continue to saga of Ex - sOz clan members contacting me cause the server IP and pass has changed.


Never give out your password or credit card number in an instant message conversation.

N o v a | i S b a c k says:

N o v a | i S b a c k says:
wats up man

N o v a | i S b a c k says:
can i ask u a question?

Dean (Blyth) says:
N o v a | i S b a c k says:
am i aloud to enter the new deadly deagle server?

Dean (Blyth) says:
In an answer - no.

N o v a | i S b a c k says:

Dean (Blyth) says:
1) You must be in a clan thats part of the ACA.

N o v a | i S b a c k says:
how am i suppose to enter my clan in the ACA?

Dean (Blyth) says:
2) You kicked too many of the wrong people when you had access.(Not that you should have had access in the first place)

N o v a | i S b a c k says:

N o v a | i S b a c k says:
im not admin

Dean (Blyth) says:
You voted a number of people and encouraged your clan to vote the wrong people off.

N o v a | i S b a c k says:

N o v a | i S b a c k says:
we stopped

Dean (Blyth) says:
You voted zero Oreo off - hes an admin.

N o v a | i S b a c k says:

Dean (Blyth) says:
Stopped too late.

N o v a | i S b a c k says:
that was a joke

N o v a | i S b a c k says:
he knows i was joking

N o v a | i S b a c k says:
and then he lammed me

Dean (Blyth) says:
He was playing under another name.

N o v a | i S b a c k says:

Dean (Blyth) says:
No - he didnt.

N o v a | i S b a c k says:

N o v a | i S b a c k says:

N o v a | i S b a c k says:
our clan stopped

Dean (Blyth) says:
Soz, nova, but you and Bad Boy have been banned from the server.

N o v a | i S b a c k says:
and anyway

N o v a | i S b a c k says:
im in a different clan?

N o v a | i S b a c k says:
and Badboy isnt in it

Dean (Blyth) says:
You Won ID'd have been banned.

N o v a | i S b a c k says:

N o v a | i S b a c k says:

N o v a | i S b a c k says:
can i try to get it

N o v a | i S b a c k says:

N o v a | i S b a c k says:
because it wasnt me nova

N o v a | i S b a c k says:
all my friends go under my name

N o v a | i S b a c k says:
not fair

Dean (Blyth) says:
Just to say this now. Cause Bad Boy abused me last night. If you start to abuse me. I will delete you from MSN in the fist instance.

N o v a | i S b a c k says:
i didnt even call u anything

N o v a | i S b a c k says:
wats ur problem

Dean (Blyth) says:
Just forwarning u.

N o v a | i S b a c k says:
i thought u were my friend

Dean (Blyth) says:
JUST a warning.

N o v a | i S b a c k says:

N o v a | i S b a c k says:
can u banned the novas that try to vote people of

N o v a | i S b a c k says:

N o v a | i S b a c k says:
ban there wonid

N o v a | i S b a c k says:
ill chnage my name

N o v a | i S b a c k says:
so that i dont get blamed

Dean (Blyth) says:
OK - 1) The server is not mine. 2) You have been banned from the server 3) The server has moved IP addresses. 4) I am not permitted to give you the new IP or Pass. 5) Read this again.

N o v a | i S b a c k says:
how u know that i been banned

N o v a | i S b a c k says:
i got the new ip and pass

Dean (Blyth) says:
Soz, I dont have an issue with you. But its not my server and the logs show that you voted a number of peeps off

N o v a | i S b a c k says:

N o v a | i S b a c k says:
ill chnage my name

N o v a | i S b a c k says:
is it ok

N o v a | i S b a c k says:
pass = XXXXXXXXXX (*EDIT: The new pass was correct)

N o v a | i S b a c k says:
ip = XX.9.XXX.30:270XX (*EDIT: He gave the right IP:Port)

N o v a | i S b a c k says:
i got connections!

Dean (Blyth) says:
Thats nice.

N o v a | i S b a c k says:
dont act like a smart arse

N o v a | i S b a c k says:
can i send u a picture

N o v a | i S b a c k says:
tell me what you think of my logo

N o v a | i S b a c k would like to send you the file "newi.gif" (44 Kb). Transfer time is less than 1 minute with a 28.8 modem. Do you want to Accept (Alt+T) or Decline (Alt+D) the invitation?

Dean (Blyth) says:
Na - thanks.

You have declined to receive file "newi.gif".

N o v a | i S b a c k says:

Dean (Blyth) says:
Na - thats cool

N o v a | i S b a c k says:
i want u too tell me wat u thinkl

N o v a | i S b a c k says:
dont be mean!

Dean (Blyth) says:
Not being mean at all. Not being a smart arse either. So u have the IP and Pass. Just be aware that the server is for ACA clans and its members.

N o v a | i S b a c k says:
how do i become an aca memer

Dean (Blyth) says:
Appy in a clan thats an aca member.

N o v a | i S b a c k says:
cant i make my own clan

Dean (Blyth) says:
once your a member of that clan your free to play in that clan.

N o v a | i S b a c k says:
im in megaman

N o v a | i S b a c k says:
there aca members

Dean (Blyth) says:
You are best to contact Legolas or Con.

N o v a | i S b a c k says:
can i have there emails?

N o v a | i S b a c k says:
N o v a | i S b a c k says:
if its ok with u

Dean (Blyth) says:

Dean (Blyth) says:
N o v a | i S b a c k says:

Dean (Blyth) says:

N o v a | i S b a c k says:
cant i just have his email?

N o v a | i S b a c k says:
it says i need to register

Dean (Blyth) says:

N o v a | i S b a c k says:

Dean (Blyth) says:
[email protected]

N o v a | i S b a c k says:
he have msn?

Dean (Blyth) says:
Dont know - dont thik so

N o v a | i S b a c k says:
all i need to do is send him an email?

N o v a | i S b a c k says:
and wait for his request

Dean (Blyth) says:
Yea, I guess. I havent had to apply before.

N o v a | i S b a c k says:
thats because ur in zero

Dean (Blyth) says:
Yep - Zero has been a member of r about 3 years

N o v a | i S b a c k says:
they are hosted by maitec computers

Dean (Blyth) says:
That could be - I hardly ever post in the ACA forums, so i dont read much about what gos on with the hosting.

N o v a | i S b a c k says:
dear byron
i have played for the last year in Deadly deagle and really enjoy playing in there i was wondering if we can become and ACA clan our tag is Lv but we neva put our tags on only in clan wars we have a website but hasnt really been updated in a while and im still making a new one

N o v a | i S b a c k says:
wats u think?

Dean (Blyth) says:
...last year...?? Best edit that to 4 months.

N o v a | i S b a c k says:
N o v a | i S b a c k says:
alread sent it

Dean (Blyth) says:
Casue 1 year would be a lie.. I have been on that server for about 12 months myself.

N o v a | i S b a c k says:
i played on it for very long time

N o v a | i S b a c k says:
but my name was different

Dean (Blyth) says:
Just remember all gameing servers are a privlidge and not a right cause you play that game. Just a thought....

N o v a | i S b a c k says:
wat u mean

N o v a | i S b a c k says:
explain a bit more

N o v a | i S b a c k says:

Dean (Blyth) says:
Well it seems to be a common misconseption that once a server is on the net, people expect that they have a right to it. Thats just not true. Its a privledge that the owner allows you and me to use that server. Like GA allows people to use their servers. Like Optus has servers for Optus customers only but now the rest.

N o v a | i S b a c k says:
i play in optus sumtimes?

Dean (Blyth) says:
Yea cause thats a public server. They have cable only server.

Dean (Blyth) says:
Its all a privledge. not a right that they have the servers open to use,


This raises a question -
1) Y did both Bad Boy and Nova state that they were in MegaMan. I know that they are not.
Is it possiable that Nova got the new IP and Pass from someone in that clan? Thats just the way it looks - I have no evidence and Im not pointing the finger. Just sugestion.

2) Is their a sign that i cant see that says " For access or a cry, contact Blyth"?

THAUmaTURgic 02-10-2002 07:52 PM

LoL Blyth.

It's interesting that they knew the password.

I blocked both bad boy and nova - they got fricken annoying as. They don't know when to shut up (msn isn't yahoo chat kiddies - take a fuckin hint).

Nova's application (and appeal) to join WHC has been rejected. On the grounds that a lot of WHC members find him annoying (myself included).

Kursed 02-10-2002 08:06 PM

blyth do u mena that nova got pw and ip from someone in megaman?

and i also find them extremely annoying, altho i dont ahve the pleasure of nova on my msn list.

Kursed 02-10-2002 08:07 PM

oh also :P nova has never even had any contact with megaman ina joining sense, ive only even been harresed by him coz he got owned :P

[zero] Blyth 02-10-2002 08:13 PM

It sounds like im saying it was the Megamen, but I say that cause they seem to pick u guys out.

Sorry, didnt want it to come across that way.
Cause the pass and IP leeked. If you read through that he isnt a member of ACA forums, if he was he would have found it.

Dont take as a pointed finger. Take it as 2 MoFo's mentioning your clan, More than possiable they pulled your name out from the air. I wished that he had said zero, if you know what I mean.

Mudhoney 02-10-2002 08:17 PM

"appeal"? bwahaha can I be on the WHC appeals board please? :P

Kursed 02-10-2002 08:18 PM

lol id like to know where he go it from, coz i dont know it :(

[zero] Blyth 02-10-2002 08:20 PM


Be assured I do NOT make a habbit of posting otherwise private conversations from ICQ and MSN.

Except ones from Oreo that get posted to the site.

(Not real) :)

Slaide 02-10-2002 09:44 PM

rofl......... Can I annoy you on MSN now blyth.


blackThorn. 02-10-2002 10:01 PM

omg i just went to [zero]General Chat and I saw ip and pass there could he have seen it there?

oreo 02-10-2002 10:51 PM


Originally posted by blackThorn.
omg i just went to [zero]General Chat and I saw ip and pass there could he have seen it there?

Only because mudhoney posted it,

Cant argue with the guy who owns the server :)

Let it be forwarned iv got my ban stick out and ready to ban those pesky sOz ppl.

blackThorn. 03-10-2002 07:50 AM

yeah that's cool :)

Mudhoney 03-10-2002 08:18 AM

I guess I figured ACA ppl only would read an ACA clan forum. The changing password thing only lasts so long each time we do it. Eventually word will get around. Maybe we should just get a big list of ACA members and work out how to auto-kick anyone who's not in the list? Seems a bit draconian and would be a pain to maintain too.

Kursed 03-10-2002 09:03 AM

lol have it like optus only servers?, maybe a list a of wonids of all aca ppl u guys want in server or something, i dunno :P

Aarseth 03-10-2002 10:52 AM

Periodically changing the password is probably still the easiest way.

Maybe it might be useful having a message at login saying "This server is for ACA clan members only". Obviously it's not going to stop everyone but at least ppl would be aware what the rule is.

[zero] Blyth 03-10-2002 06:36 PM

The pass word should be posted into the private forums of the clans.

Will admin mod allow for a password for each clan?

Postin it in the public areas is open advertising.

Does admin mod have a dickhead dectector built in? If not is there a plug-in for that? (LOL)

Maybe the other way to do it is to quite simply ban anyone who is not in aca when we are on the server.

I have no life and spend my time in there so im happy to get the banning bug happening?

We will at some point ban the wrong person. All they have to do is ICQ/MSN their leader saying they are banned and shouldnt be.
In the end the message will get out that the server is for ACA clans when not being used by WHC.

Whats everyone think of that for an idea?

MajorDomo 03-10-2002 08:47 PM

They r probably 12 years old and megaman is there favourite tv show/game.. they come onto aca forums and see MegaMan Clan and yeah.. u dont forget that 2 easily.. Probably the first thing that poped into there small minded heads

MajorDomo 03-10-2002 08:50 PM

And i would have to agree with druqks on how to keep everyone outta the server.. The only porblem u would have is when zero or whc is trying to war a clan outside of aca then they wouldnt beable to join the server... And changing the password is just a waste of time.. ppl find out the password and just hand it around to anyone that asks for it (i know i did it once or twice when i was in megaman :P)

TISM 04-10-2002 09:21 AM

We don't want it completelt dickhead free - it would be too boring, and I wouldn't fit in.
btw - Llama sheepskin seat covers are looking the fashion this season.

Conscience 04-10-2002 11:12 AM

I KNOW I KNOW... we can make a client program, SOG(ggy)S and put a firewall over the server and you have to connect to the client program to get into the teh server maen


Sorry I just love dissing GA

No seriously, if someone had the time and patience there would be ways of doing it but as there are three of us working on the booking system and still noone has had the time to finish it I can't see any bigger projects happening anytime soon :P

oreo 04-10-2002 11:27 AM


Originally posted by Garrett
And i would have to agree with druqks on how to keep everyone outta the server.. The only porblem u would have is when zero or whc is trying to war a clan outside of aca then they wouldnt beable to join the server... And changing the password is just a waste of time.. ppl find out the password and just hand it around to anyone that asks for it (i know i did it once or twice when i was in megaman :P)

Whenever i do a war or other such on the server the password is always changed... Infact zero has 1 password which we normally always use.... and YOUR NOT A GETTIN IT MOFO :D

Kursed 04-10-2002 01:47 PM

haha :P

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