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[zero]Remorse 26-09-2006 01:13 PM

Happy Birthday to Doubt
Happy Birthday for yesterday Doubtster!!! (Sep 25 that is) Sorry I'm a day late - work and life gets in the way sometimes, and both are pretty crazy for me right now ;)

Did you get any cool stuff, like from bubs? (aromatic surprises wrapped in white cloth don't count :P)

Did you get to do anything special?

Hope to c u in game tonight :D

oreo 27-09-2006 08:51 AM

Hey, happy birthday doubt.

Doubt 27-09-2006 01:44 PM

Hey Rem, Oreo,

Thanks for the birthday wishes :)

Couldn't make zero night last night (Tuesday), the wedding photographer came over, and we went over all the photos and over 3.5 hours decided what we wanted in our "show" album.

As for presents - mainly money so i can buy that new PC. I've ordered all the parts, should have it by this weekend, or early next week, and I can get it all assembled and overclocked, hehe. Also got another season of Red Dwarf :)

Can't wait to have more than 20fps.. I've been playing CS:S a bit now, gamearena mostly, so Im ready to appreciate a smooth fps rate :)

[zero]Remorse 28-09-2006 12:35 PM

hehehe nice work doubt! I just don't know how you manage to find the time - what with all the nappy changing and baby feeding you have to do :P ..... and boy, cracked nipples are painful, aren't they doubt! :eek:

hello oro!!!! cmon oro, come play cs:s! Last friday, some yob joined the server and was acting kind of weird, and someone (not me) suggested it might be you!!!! so i got all excited and checked the steam id.... only to be disappointed :(

good to have doubt back and regular :)

doubt's now the 3rd most frequent zero on the server! after hero and I :D

Slaide 28-09-2006 07:19 PM

I would except I play poker on Tuesday nights now.

Besides that you can't carry enough flash bangs.

Oh.. happy b'day doubt btw.


[zero]Remorse 29-09-2006 12:57 PM

lol slaide. YOU carry MORE THAN ENOUGH flashbangs!!!! :eek:

I like playing pokher, but I don't get enough at the moment. Just be careful tho Slaide, look what happened to Cyrus and Doubt :P

Instinct 30-09-2006 10:06 PM

peek a boo, hi guys...
been a while eH? :D
anyway, I'm over in Indonesia right now :)
just saying Hi, have a great day.

[zero]Remorse 03-10-2006 11:02 PM

lol insty!!! apa kabar? :eek:

in indo again hey, must be an annual pilgrimage???

good to see you! man, u look so tall now! u been eating your beans eh! how tall r u now? 6ft? what r u up to these days?

selamat sore! :D

Slaide 10-10-2006 11:27 PM

What happened to cyrus?


Lego 13-10-2006 12:27 AM

What happened to everyone??!? :)

Doubt 13-10-2006 09:26 AM

What happened to me???

Slaide 16-10-2006 05:48 PM

Lost a few IQ points when moving to QLD?


[zero]Remorse 17-10-2006 01:13 PM

haven't seen cyrus online for ages, but he's still around on e-mail. He's a happy Dad afaik :)

What's happened to Doubt? Well, I dunno, but it's good! Doubt's now the 3rd most frequent Friday night zero member!!! Back into Samurai status!!!

The zero web site seems to be busted tho, so the attendance page isn't displayed, but hero and I are always there on Fri nights. Doubts been around almost every fri night for the past few months, and another 4 or 5 zero's come in occasionally.

Slaide - put down your poker chips and get in for a game! :P (just hold onto those flashbangs! :eek:)

Slaide 17-10-2006 10:08 PM

I'll try and make more Fridays Rem.

But to tell the truth counterstrike bores me to tears. Strike that.. Playing against crap bots bores me to tears.


[zero]Remorse 20-10-2006 12:30 PM

playing with your mates makes it all worthwhile tho hey rotfl

[zero] Hero 24-10-2006 11:13 AM

HEY HEY!!!!! so sorry doubt for being so late :'(

for some reason i havn't been on the forum for a while.

hope u had fun.

slaide when your in the server it always brightens up my day :)

(what ever happined to tasty that fink he joins then stops comeing in ..... so sad, good to see flash in alot though need elad back)

[zero]Remorse 24-10-2006 02:15 PM


slaide when your in the server it always brightens up my day

slaide brightens my day up so much when he's in the server, that my screen goes white whenever he's around :eek:

Slaide 24-10-2006 10:52 PM

It's too hard to select flashbangs with this stupid G7 mouse.. Only one thumb button..


[zero]Remorse 31-10-2006 12:22 AM

i'm so glad u got a new mousey then!!!! rotfl

Slaide 31-10-2006 12:36 AM

Just wait till I get some new binds rem.


[zero]Remorse 31-10-2006 12:51 PM

noooooooOOOOoooooOOOOoooOOOOO!!!!!!! :eek:

take your time slaidey.... no hurry ;)

Slaide 01-11-2006 12:40 AM

just finished 2nd in a 124 player tournament. Not happy jan.. :(


[zero]Remorse 02-11-2006 11:06 PM

but afterwards, i bet u got to poker :eek:

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