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SuperSammo 29-06-2004 12:09 AM

Hello all, (SSammo here)

Sammo yet again. Just letting you all know I successfully turned 20(!) on the 27th, and Goon turned 24(!!).

The party was good fun, and thanks to all those who made the trip (double to those of you coming from waaay south (lets face it, almost anywhere) and 2x to the other QLD'ers). I (Sammo) really had a super awesome madcool time, and it was great to see you all and meet some new faces (Mel(!!!), Paryniux, Xcor, Meaty Bites) and those awesome familiar ones (Jenna(!!!), Para & Jantar).

Thanks to all who came.

Special thanks go to goon and his awesome parents for letting us all come and stay at his place.

I laughed, I cried, I even saw goon feed a mouse to his snake, all the makings of a blockbuster movie. Zsinky, make us famous. :P

Jantar 29-06-2004 12:42 AM

Amen to that!

Thankee to Goon and his wonderful family - especially the python, whom I shall now christen Montague :)

I didn't get to see Montague eat a mouse :( I was tempted to feed him a gecko that Mel left in the shower for me however....

Paragon101st 29-06-2004 12:43 AM

I just tried to feed Montague tonight. Little rascal pretty much mutilated the mouse then spat it back out. That's really going to impress my next door neighbour...

"Yeah, hi...can I have another mouse? Yeah, he kinda spewed it back up..."

But yeah, thanks for coming guys n gals. Was a killer weekend.

Jantar 29-06-2004 12:44 AM

Especially for the mouse :) And one thousand mosquitos!

Ross River Virus >> You.

Mel |F 29-06-2004 01:48 AM


Originally Posted by SuperSammo
I laughed, I cried, I even saw goon feed a mouse to his snake, all the makings of a blockbuster movie. Zsinky, make us famous. :P

You cried?!? Crikey!
Ahem, all the makings of a blockbuster movie? Zsinky make you famous?!? What the hell did I bring my cam for!! And may I say some of you were a disappointing cast, not delivering in your promises of learning to breakdance or to act up for the camera, so this thingo I was planning is gonna be quite sucky. And no one decided to take over and get any footage whatsoever of Mel so that suxors a bit too. Anyway, that is the end of my movie-rant tangent.

Yes, thanks to Goon's parents for letting us stay, and Goon and Meaty for driving us all over the city, and to Goon for cooking us those wicked bbqs :)

Furthermore, thanks to Jantar for being so entertaining - watching him eat was like watching a fine food dissection and amused me no end :)
Thanks to Sammo for being Sammo - ultra nice and talking exactly as if he were typing, with his "Huzzah!"s - but don't sit beside him in a movie if he has a frozen Coke, lol
Thanks to Pary for the endless puns and teaching me the art of lame jokes ("silent treatment" - it was gold, baby!)
Thanks to XcoR for the firedance that I shall never ever forget :D
Thanks to Jenna, who I have decided is what I would consider the perfect woman, and I mean that sincerely. I think you're such a beautiful person :)
Meaty, omg, I lub joo!!!! But you're not here to read this anyway so thus ends that.

PS I think I missed something with the whole "Montague" thing...

zsinj 29-06-2004 11:11 AM

i hate the fact that i missed this...especially the never told me you had a python...that would've been the source of hours of would've been for me...

no one played up for the camera? you all disappoint me...if there's one thing that all blockbuster movies have is a kick ass blooper reel...

i'll start work on the script for "The Birthday" i have a bit of a synopsis ready...
"A stunning tale about a group of friends who go through the trials and tribulations of a kick ass birthday party and come out the other end knowing more about each other, themselves and the eating habits of a python. A coming of age story about computer nerds and pythons."

I see josh hartnett playing sammo, orlando bloom playing para, haley joel osment playing xcor, keira knightley playing mel, cate blanchett playing jenna...and the kid from episode one playing the mouse that para feeds to the python...i can't discuss the other casting descisions until i hear back from some agents...needless to say, this has "Summer Blockbuster" written all over it...

XcoR 29-06-2004 02:30 PM

Funnest damn time i've had recently!

and Ahem Mel, i offered to take the camera and get some footage of you doing some pop and stuff, but you said "no!'

and yeah, paragon, jantar and meaty.. ta for trying some footwork ;), and i don't know if my little break performance 'pleased' anyone, but i did have ze "bestest", "awesomest"... "timest" !!!!!!!!

Cheers to goon and his parents for housing us homeless people!

Paragon101st 29-06-2004 03:07 PM

I actually feel bad XcoR...I promised I'd teach you some basic fighting techniques and I didn't...oh well, next time.

And Orlando Bloom as me? Hrm...tell you what. Cast Kevin Sorbo, and we have a deal.

Paryniux 29-06-2004 05:11 PM

That weekend defined 'Kickarse.' All you guys are truly incredible -and Mel, that WAS golden, well done :P

I have make enough puns to start a bakery!

Mel |F 29-06-2004 08:17 PM

When did Goon try out the breakdancing?? I have no video evidence of this!

LOL, filming me popping is not what I had in mind...

I am flattered you would cast Keira Knightley as me, although it is somewhat misleading. Especially as I am almost 6 years older than her, crikey!
I think Ben Affleck should be cast as Goon, Orlando Bloom for Pary, maybe...

Mel |F 29-06-2004 08:19 PM

Oh, and Matt Damon as Jantar!

PS XcoR I for one loved your "moves"

Paragon101st 29-06-2004 09:37 PM

I have to admit, I didn't really do any breakdancing...I should have though...

Next time Gadget, next time.

zsinj 29-06-2004 10:05 PM

ok guys i'm loving the casting ideas...and mel, actresses are always about 5 years younger than the people they portray (in stories based on real life at least)...for example...did you know the woman that jessica tandy played in 'Driving Miss Daisy' was in fact dead in real life...and the black chauffeur didn't notice...due to his terminal gluacoma...the movie was changed dramatically due to the fact that the real life events were really boring...

affleck and damon don't work in the same films anymore...not for anything less than 20 mil each at about a goat that looks uncannily like ben affleck?

SuperSammo 29-06-2004 10:49 PM

and instead of burning 101st into a jatz box, we could do write it in like football fields. One big 101st flaming inferno.


Paragon101st 29-06-2004 11:09 PM

Oh man...killer idea.

Bring on that caustic fertiliser stuff...Jantar or some other such braniac would know what it is.

Mel |F 29-06-2004 11:17 PM

Yeah just make sure it actually gets filmed this time, hehehe!
I still blame my camera - when checking the footage from the weekend I know I taped more on the ferry to Maggie Island that also magically "disappeared"
I swear!! :D
*sheepish grin*

Jantar 29-06-2004 11:29 PM

I liked Xcor's "moves" too!

I dunno about Goon being Kevin Sorbo though....he'd need more hair and a hell of a lot more conditioner for that role.

The others all seem right though :P

PS - I don't work with Affleck unless I'm being paid $20 million. Neither of which has ever happened, therefore must be true...hein? ;)

Mel |F 29-06-2004 11:44 PM

Don't make me choose between Affleck and Damon :(

zsinj 30-06-2004 10:09 AM

mel, i can vouch for this goat...the performance of king lear he did had critics raving...some have even said he's the new mule that looked uncannily like Laurence Olivier...i think that's going a bit too far but eh...

Paragon101st 30-06-2004 10:24 AM

.....just cast a cardboard cut-out as me then. Problem solved.

Stargate 30-06-2004 11:36 AM

Why wasn't I invited :(

SuperSammo 30-06-2004 11:46 AM

And I could be Zorro! Running round slicing S's into stuff. Then Xcor could walk in and say "its been a long time, Mr Bond". And we could cut to a fighting scene from the original blue Batman followed by some cheesy 60's dancing and a game of pool of which the fate of the universe rests, with 2 2 balls and a nigh unsinkable 8 ball. Then Jantar and Paryniux can jump through a hole in time (along with their tank for picking up chicks), covered in black stuff and we cut to more Batman, and finish with the donkey/dragons from Shrek 2. And of course Mel's camera will stuff up and miss filming it all :P

Thats pretty much what happened? right? Guys?


SuperSammo 30-06-2004 11:47 AM

Stargate, did you read the thread about the trip in the off-topic forum at all? :P

Stargate 30-06-2004 12:07 PM

no, it appears all this spam thats going on i must of missed it :P

/me goes hides from the public

zsinj 30-06-2004 08:18 PM

...i'm taking notes here sammo, the treatment will be ready in a long as i get the advanced payment that's standard in all my contracts...

SuperSammo 30-06-2004 10:54 PM

3 well groomed llamas, 2 buckets of orange juice, 6 crocodile fangs and xcor for a night? I'll mail it in the morning.

zsinj 01-07-2004 11:45 AM


*gets the 'special' cage ready in preperation for xcor's arrival*

XcoR 01-07-2004 02:43 PM

but if you get me, i need paragon there.. so he can do the traditional nipple rubbing on the cage... so you are getting a bonus!!

zsinj 01-07-2004 03:04 PM


*gets teh nipple lube ready*

Paragon101st 01-07-2004 06:41 PM

Nipple lube?

Pfft. Self Lubrication is what I work with.

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