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ItchyTasty 15-10-2005 06:23 PM

Cool Plugins to Consider Adding

All the plugins/mods for css on that webpage are excellent, ive seen them in action. Syphon is the one i mentioned about being able to get hp for knifie killing. I suggest you (Remorse) have a test of all of them, to see how you like them. Could greatly spice up the server. lol the grenadefest would be perfect for zero_glass! Oh and if you put any of the plugins up (excluding syphon) make sure you read the bit at the bottom of the website about settings so the server doesnt crash.

oh and my new idea is that instead of using my play time on mapping with on my good spec computer, i will now attempt to map on my old computer, which i have access to every day. so, if my 1.1ghz com with a stuffed 8mb gfx card can run hammer, then there will be alot more maps cumin out by me! Current WIP: de_vertigo for css. Oh and sum1 slip me the private section pw coz im lyke [ZiT] now pls?

Slaide 17-10-2005 07:32 PM

Not until you use an "i"...

Youth of the nation.


ItchyTasty 17-10-2005 10:16 PM

me is using a little "i" coz hero sed he did. and no1 has objections to it, if thats what you mean. hehe :D

Slaide 18-10-2005 07:17 PM

Well.... Actually I didn't..

But now you mention it....


[zero]Remorse 18-10-2005 07:44 PM

i like [ZIT] - it has more impact to it IMO, but i don't really care. Just show the tag off with pride :P

Lego 18-10-2005 08:59 PM

Itchy the private forum hasn't been touched in months. Don't worry about getting access to it, your not missing out on anything.

ItchyTasty 23-10-2005 04:03 PM

heh well ive got it now :P :D

oh yeh, by request of rem u wanted steps to install these mods. ok here we go, steps for rem to install syphonmod:
1.Get syphonmod, by site or by this direct download link:
2. I quote:

To install a server plugin, simply extract the zipfile into your "cstrike\addons" directory and restart the server. E.g. The folder MIGHT be C:\Games\Steam\SteamApps\username\counter-strike source\cstrike\addons. You can use these on your local machine for private testing, but traditionally you'd want to include these on a dedicated server machine for other people to play.

3. start/restart the server. simple! more direct links so rem doesnt have a stroke installing.

and do the same to install. - GrenadeFest! gives unlimited nades! would work great on zero_glass!
all addons can be turned off by searching under the mattie_ prefix in your console commands. Simple enough rem?

Note: Ill send in msn incase ur too busy to read :P

Important note! One of the way back css updates sez it broke those addons. to make them work, you MUST add "mugmod_cflags 875
grenadefest_cflags 875
newbie_cflags 875 to your autoexec! If you dont it may crash the server! And we dont want that! :'(

[zero]Remorse 24-10-2005 07:36 PM

good work Tasty! now that's making it easy for me! :D

i'll try to put em on by friday :)

ItchyTasty 25-10-2005 03:23 PM

hehe np. dont bust ur hip putting them on ;) . lol im mean, ill be an old man 1 day too :D lol jks

[zero]Remorse 25-10-2005 08:32 PM

they're on my server now... gonna try em out tonight :D

[zero]Remorse 26-10-2005 01:11 PM

although there were on the server last night, they are inactive by default, so we didn't get to use em. After I finished playing last night, I had a read on mattie's site and now know the commands to enable them.

I reckon mug mod and syphon will be good, but grenadefest? nooooo!!!!! it might be good just once in a while, and only on certain maps, but i think it will get boring VERY quickly! The other 2 I'll leave enabled all the time, I think they will be good... slaide especially will like them :D

Slaide 26-10-2005 07:55 PM

I read them.

Sounds like a rename of the boredom mod.


DirtyHarry 27-10-2005 10:02 AM


ItchyTasty 27-10-2005 04:09 PM

Hehe gawd im helpful :D what would u do without me :P heh

[zero]Remorse 27-10-2005 07:08 PM

roflmao slaide!!!

DH, yes.... but then i bet u hated cleaning the mirror afterwards ;)

tasty.... u got to find some mod that will put a smile on poor ol' slaidey's face..... i just got no clues as to what that might be tho :P

Slaide 27-10-2005 08:02 PM

Bf2 mod for counter-strike?


[zero]Remorse 27-10-2005 11:49 PM

poker mod?

ItchyTasty 28-10-2005 07:42 PM

im stumped.... ill get to know u a bit more slaide, then ill give an educated suggestion :D

DirtyHarry 02-11-2005 11:16 AM



[zero]Remorse 02-11-2005 03:10 PM

yes, u guys r my main squeeze ;)

(i hope oro doesn't read this.... but if he does: "oro, i'm just kidding!")

oreo 03-11-2005 06:03 PM


Originally Posted by [zero]Remorse
yes, u guys r my main squeeze ;)

(i hope oro doesn't read this.... but if he does: "oro, i'm just kidding!")


Do you hear that sound?

That is the sound of your joke flying over the top of my head.

ItchyTasty 03-11-2005 09:01 PM

zzziiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnngggggggggg!! :D

[zero]Remorse 04-11-2005 01:54 PM

rofl oro - u know u r my main squeeze really, don't get jealous :P

[zero]Remorse 05-11-2005 12:57 AM

well tasty - i spend some hours testing CPU performance today, and found that mattie's plugins don't use much cpu at all. The problem is when there's about 28 or more slots filled in the server, then CPU usage rises massively! And it seems it doesn't matter if the slot is a bot or a human - the cpu effect is the same. My server used to run 40 or so slots as a max, but now about 28 is the max :(

and i bought a 2.8Ghz P4 1 yr ago for the server, so it's not getting any more CPU! Also, the cpu usage was running at "0%" before I started the srcds.exe so i closed all unnecessary apps and applets and it could not have been better set for some juicy cs! so, as each patch comes out, valve gets hungrier and hungrier for cpu (well, the game is pretty nice tho isn't it!!!) so i will just have to be careful not to run it so full!

i found today some rough figures for experience on diff maps:
10 slots is about 0 to 1% cpu
16 slots max's at 60%
28 slots max's at 90% and that's when we get really jerky cpu lag

oh, and those mattie plug-ins caused us to FREEZE after a knife kill - couldn't walk or even fire a weapon!!!!! what sort of a reward system is that?!!?!?!? prolly a bug when running syphon and mugmod together? is off the air for now due to cyclone wilma stuffing up the web servers

ItchyTasty 05-11-2005 05:25 PM

kool - but oh well, may as well try stuff out! oh and the map zero_relax/zero_relaxation will be a really high detail map that ill be doin, not just those 1/2 hour ones i usually do lol. im gonna do sum models with xsi to put into it, which will take a while coz im still learnin the buttons in softimage XSI mod tool! lol :S but itl pwn when its out! im thinkin like an outside area with a big pool and diving boards and slides, then a full size gym inside with punchin bags and all sorts of workout equipment to play around with.

[zero]Remorse 07-11-2005 03:01 PM

rofl that sounds awesome!!!!!!!! and i can put in a special request for posters of Xena up on the walls ;) rotfl

oh, and skateboards in there, and maybe skateboard ramps, a shooting gallery, ........

ItchyTasty 07-11-2005 05:14 PM

lol lets just take it one at a time. but i like the shooting gallery/range idea. u gotta take shots at tiny tiny targets to get stuff. mebbe ill hunt down that deagle vending machine i saw once...

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