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SilverScope 30-12-2003 08:57 PM

mmmm lego....
Met Lego (james) the other day, well actully yesterday, aint he a cutie pie ;) hahah anyway

was good we all arrived about the same time, all about 1230 (which was the meeting time) cept me i was a bit late i got there at 930am :tard: because i just came from the 1130pm - 900am lotr movie marathon!! CRAZY!! so i was a bit lacking in the sleep department.

We sat around just talking about alot of things, then seeming as though we were at maccas we decided to eat, cept me because if i had of eaten something i would have hurled (i felt sick) and so i didnt eat but the others did, rem went for the old mans burger (quarter pounder) lego had the fancy new chicken thingo and elad (who actully works at maccas) had a big mac (good boy) but then he went and had half a fucking cow with two buns either side!!! IT WAS FUCKING GREASEY!!! like 4 beef patties and cheese either side, or 5 or 6 beef patties i forget now ? but my god it looked disgusting! yet he managed to eat it all lol !

We talked more then when elad left i saw him come back to the window, i said to rem 'this will be interesting' he walked up to the window opened up his shirt to reveal [zero] evidence (written in red and black) and if that wasnt enough, he turned around to show us 'Elad' written in black on his back! we just sat there and laughed.

Overall was a good 2hrs was nice meeting rem again to see he's only getting bolder ;) and nice seeing the young fella elad and the 'boss' lego :D no pictures sorry.

SilverScope 30-12-2003 09:01 PM

p.s. james what was the site you were saying, with all the downloads ? ?? ? ? ??

Slaide 30-12-2003 09:29 PM

Re: mmmm lego....

Originally posted by SilverScope
meeting rem again to see he's only getting bolder ;)

You mean balder?


Lego 31-12-2003 12:20 AM


Originally posted by SilverScope
p.s. james what was the site you were saying, with all the downloads ? ?? ? ? ??

Give me a yell on ICQ sometime, or email me at [email protected]
Theres some software you need as well, not big though.

[zero] Hero 31-12-2003 01:28 AM

shame i missed out
all though i hear lego asked for me maybe i was being told a fib ;)

Lego 31-12-2003 01:34 PM


Originally posted by [ZERO] Hero
shame i missed out
all though i hear lego asked for me maybe i was being told a fib ;)

I asked if you were coming yes, I don't get it. :P

[zero] Hero 01-01-2004 12:04 AM

:P i could have if someone game me the cash to fly there :D

Slaide 01-01-2004 08:19 AM

He's a banana bender lego.


Lego 01-01-2004 08:12 PM

Yeah, I knew that :P

[zero] Hero 01-01-2004 10:25 PM

;) :whip:


:disgust: :fu:

Cokester 02-01-2004 12:40 AM

i'd of been there if lego had decided to stay longer ;\

Stoopid 03-01-2004 02:20 AM

Stupid Silverscope, sittin around for 3 hours and not even sleepin on that bench :P should've slept during the movies instead of callin them all gay

Oh and that burger aint nothin :P gotta have a full pound of meat, 4 patties in a quarter pounder, greasy as all hell and no salad!

[zero]Remorse 03-01-2004 02:08 PM

yep, it sure was great getting together for a bit of a catch up.... and I enjoyed my MC OZ!!!! (no big mac's for me :P)

Evidence's t-shirt was such a crackup tho - gw evidence!!! Lego said he's placed an order with Evid to get a heap of them rotfl

SS - man u were rather zonked! zzzzzzz..... I hope you've caught up on some sleep!

yes, we were all hoping cokey and insty could have been there..... and we missed u hero :cry: I hope u got a new battery for your VK, and next time start driving to our melbourne get together location 3 days beforehand ok! and remember commodore > falcon rotfl falcon < commodore rotfl ;) :P

[zero] Hero 03-01-2004 07:45 PM

i think u made a mistake there rem
didn't u mean ford > holden holden < Ford ;)

[zero] Evidence 03-01-2004 10:27 PM

he he he...

Sound like SS wasn't to thrilled about me coming back to the crew (after leaving) :P

Yeah... lego did place an order for you all... I have yet to recive the money yet :P, it will be 3 - 4 weeks on the order, I dont have any money. :D Infact lego and I had a talk the other day and we were discusing the posiblitiys of puting the zero logo on there as well :)

[zero]Remorse 06-01-2004 12:52 PM

yay Evid... i want 2 pls, and in XL size, to allow for shrinkage :P

and when u came back to the window, I think u gave SS quite a fright - he was wondering just what u were going to expose when u came to the window and started peeling off your clothes!!!! rotfl

[zero] Evidence 06-01-2004 06:55 PM

ok thats a deal rem :)

lol, SS saw me walking over to the window, and i dont think he was scared, I think he was more turned on for a bit, when I started peeling off my clothes :D :P

[zero]Remorse 12-01-2004 12:48 PM



[zero] Evidence 14-01-2004 03:20 AM

BTW just over half a pound of meat, it's acutaly 6/10th of a pound because I had 6 paddys, hehehe, i looked over at you SS while I was eating it and you were just stearing at it, it also looked like you were about to vomit...

Oh and about the sickening stories about maccas...

Oh we have a like oblongated buckets either side of the gills and when ever it gets too greasy we get a squigy and swipe it all into those buckets. Anyways sometimes they can sit there or a whole day... just a mixture of fat, Meat, water, eggs.. it can realy stink sometimes..

oh this is grose... you know the fat from the deep friers? well, when they are fresh it looks like olive oil and when there old they look black and thats when it gets to the point when someone relises that they should get changed over, it's ment to be changed every week, but I have seen it not been changed for about 6 weeks!!! ERK! of and all the old fat gets stored into this holding tank, and this guy once a month comes along with a huge vacume cleaner and sucks it dry, and he pays us for it... And you know where that fat goes? Yep you guessed it cosmetics, and soaps, so next time your bathing, think to your self... my frise last month could of been cook with that...

Oh I have seen people drop somthing on the floor and pick it up and use it on the burgers.

nugets should only sit for about 30 mins and ten seconds, max, although i have seen it extend to over 5 hours!! ERRK!

That chicken in the fold overs.. it has a holding time of 50 mins but once again i have seen it sit there for so long that the chicken bits got so hard that they can rip your gloves.

On hot days you get pools of swet in your gloves and sometimes they can accidently pop, leaving swet allover the food... mmm yum.

having a fresh burger is actualy a helth&safty risk be cause the burger is still cooking for about 4 mins after it is made.

NEVER EAT STRAIGHT AFTER THEY CHANGE OVER FROM THE BREAKFAST MENU! because the grills are too cold and the meat is still raw on the inside.

Filet-o-fish generly sits there for a long time. causing bactiria to bread rapidly in the fish (seen one sit there in excess for almost 4 hours)

4:1 onion (on quarters and oz) goes off in about 3 hours at room temp, and lasts up to 1 week and a half in the fridge before going off, and about 4 out of 10 time that I work the onion is off, but unfortunatly this doesn't get realise often because it's so hard to tell if you are inexperienced in it... so is usaly gets served.

chicken paddys and fillet-o-fish paddys and anything thats deepfried (except fires) can be kept heated for 30 mins before need to be used (generaly goes on for longer) then it can sit in the production bin for another 30 mins...

Vegie paddys can sit for hours before getting used, causing then to go hard.

Salids and berry nice yoghuts have an 8 hour expirey, allthough I have see some that have lasted weeks!

some people do not wear gloves! eek!

we touch raw meat then cooked meat over and over again (allthought they have come up with some new rules to stop this from happening)

10:1 onion (cheese burger onion) goes pink when mixed with warm water.

Thickshakes do not contain pigs fat. only vegitable fats :P

the meat is realy 100% beef no extra additives.

buns tent to go moldy quickly on humid days/weeks and generaly dont get noticed till someone finds a rice sized green dot on it.

we have the right to refuse service, so be nice.

if your in a rush only get the food you see in the production bin, it's a pain in the ass for you because you have to wait 6 minutes on a burger you dont want anymore.

If your gonna get a custom made burger, try and make it as simple as posible, otherwise if it's complexed it will get screwed up. Althought if you do want a complex burger write it down on a peice of paper with what you want in detail. that way you can give it to the cook and he doesn't have to stress if he has got it right or not. And it's allso less likely to be screwed up, and it will be faster. But be prepared to wait up to 6 mins for anything

Dont bother asking for custome made salids or berry nice yoguhts, we are not ment to make them custom made.

these are personal experences at my store only allthough he have had Helth and safty in meny times and we have an adverage of 96% of cleanlyness, and safe production for our food. and we have an 'A' adverage for customer service, and other stuff... so all in all our store is actualy pritty good compared to most others.

[zero] Evidence 14-01-2004 03:21 AM

sorry for the poor grama im tired.

[zero]Remorse 14-01-2004 01:27 PM

do u mind evidence? I WAS eating my lunch!!!! *vomit*

i know that one of KFC's "secret" herbs and spices is the dirt on the kitchen's floor..... they drop the chicken on the floor, kick it around a bit.... and that's one of the spices applied ;)

as for the deep frier oil lasting for so long evidence..... i think that fish and chip shops have to use fresh oil every day??? ie. they have to drain it out, clean the frier and refill it clean every day? that's what i'd heard somewhere, but maybe it was a selling point of a better class fish and chip shop that i went to once... i dunno

may i order a McOz burger, large fries and chocolate thickshake pls..... yum!!!! :D :D :D

[zero] Hero 14-01-2004 05:33 PM

lol i have heard some sick stroies from a friend that used to work for hungry hacks ...... "used to". i tell ya what i have never eatin hungries after that.

[zero] Evidence 15-01-2004 01:12 PM

Rem just to tell ya, Mc Oz burgers can be upto 2 1/2 hours old..... well thats the longest time i have ever seen :)

Lego 15-01-2004 01:49 PM

Hero, I work at hungries. Everything is taken apart every day and cleaned. Its not that bad :)

[zero] Hero 15-01-2004 02:14 PM

aparently not at this hungies lol :P

[zero]Remorse 16-01-2004 01:18 PM


Originally posted by [zero] Hero
aparently not at this hungies lol :P

is that a place where u just hang around, or is it a sex shop or something :rolleyes:

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