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Mel |F 25-02-2004 08:56 PM

June Party
Well, while I don't know a lot of 101sters I am good friends with Sammo and Goon, and as some of you know, they share the same birthday, which also happens to be a few days after mine. Last year y'all partied it up and I wanted to be there and missed out, and I don't wanna miss out this time. And since you all insist on NOT coming to Berri for the party, I have to try and come to you. Let's start organising locations, accomodation, dates, so I can arrange flights and some time off please!!!
/me ends begging

Paragon101st 25-02-2004 09:02 PM

Well, it's going to be in NSW. Somewhere. On Some date, at some time.

And we'll end up crashing, well, somewhere.

Although, I get a mental image of Sammo in a sleeping bag tied to the top of Telstra Tower...

Mel |F 25-02-2004 09:25 PM

I was being serious.
But methinks you were being serious about the Sammo part :P

Paragon101st 25-02-2004 09:28 PM

Well, okay, we'll sit down and organise something sooner rather than later :)

zsinj 25-02-2004 09:42 PM

june huh? i may be able to make this one...if we organise it far enough in advance...

Paragon101st 25-02-2004 09:44 PM

Well then lets :)

zsinj 26-02-2004 10:29 AM

that said, i'll need directions to where ever the hell NSW is...

scorch 26-02-2004 11:37 AM

NSW... What's that? Isn't that that place that thinks they're the capital of the world?? Or is that just sydney...

Mel |F 26-02-2004 12:42 PM

Well let's start with dates then. Your birthdays fall on the Sunday so party Saturday night?

zsinj 26-02-2004 03:09 PM

um...what are the actual dates of all these birthdays?

Explosive 26-02-2004 04:10 PM

how about we have it in Victoria! what a novel idea...

iTzA mE mArIo 26-02-2004 04:18 PM

scorch, its a damn lot better then melbourne :)

scorch 26-02-2004 04:20 PM

keep dreaming initiate

Mel |F 26-02-2004 04:24 PM

Sif, I already suggested Berri, and I was scoffed at. At least here, no one would have to worry about accomodation, you could all stay at my place as I have stacks of room.
Sorry, zsinj, date of my b'day is june 22 but the boys' have theirs on the 27th, so i was thinking that weekend.
Bah, stuff them, let's just organise the party without them :P

zsinj 26-02-2004 07:28 PM

well Mel i have no freakin clue where berri is...for that matter...i have no freakin clue where i am at the moment...
tell me what we organise...i'll see if i can make it...i'm keen to meet a few of you...although after meeting me you might wish you hadn't...:P

Paragon101st 27-02-2004 12:05 AM

After meeting you Sink, we'd probably have some new novel uses for butter...

Explosive 27-02-2004 12:27 AM

i wanna come :(



Paragon101st 27-02-2004 12:36 AM

Let's have it in Canberra then :P

Paragon101st 27-02-2004 12:39 AM


Explosive 27-02-2004 12:41 AM


Mel |F 27-02-2004 08:53 AM


Originally posted by Paragon101st
Let's have it in Canberra then :P

Canberra or Sydney is fine with me.
Berri is even better (close to the NSW border btw zsinj, look it up ffs, I'm not a road map)
And *sigh* at the spam. I thought only chicks called out Sammo's name like that. 101st turned ghey?

SuperSammo 27-02-2004 09:33 AM

problem with canberra is I cant accomodate. My parents suck in that they hate having visiters.


XcoR 27-02-2004 07:39 PM

LETS HAVE IT IN TOWNSVILLE!! AT PARAGONS HOUSE... so me and pary can drive down :P... Oh, ill supply my own juice sammo

Paragon101st 28-02-2004 12:25 AM

How about let's not have it at my house, so I don't have to explain to the council workers why a Blow Up Llama caused the sewerage blockage of the century!

Sydney seems like the go atm...And Zsinj, Claremont is closer to you than Berri. 'nuff said, I do believe.

zsinj 28-02-2004 12:54 AM

clermont? sydney? dudes...and dudette...speak ENGLISH!!!

Paragon101st 28-02-2004 01:33 AM

You're in rocky, and you don't know where Clermont is?!?

It's like, 1 hr west of you!

isn't it?

Explosive 29-02-2004 12:53 PM


RayGun 29-02-2004 04:37 PM

I'll come along. I live at Penrith, so would Berrie, or whever we decide to hold it, be within driving distance?

I could even possibly car pool Spirit there. Thats if he wanted 2 go.

zsinj 29-02-2004 04:40 PM


Mel |F 29-02-2004 09:38 PM

I am ready to give up on this idea

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