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[zero]Remorse 20-01-2006 01:42 PM

ZERO copy artists!!!!
I'm tired of everybody copying our name. Yes, it was a very clever name that our forefathers thought up when establishing the clan ([zero] Respect, [zero] Tolerance and [zero] Oreo). I think we need to patent, or trademark it or something!!!! :rolleyes:

This latest identity theft just takes the cake!!!

I've already seen the name of our [zero] Tolerance all over billboards - being associated with drink driving. Disgraceful!

[zero] Oreo is so legendary he has a biscuit named after him. Sweet!

We used to have a great member called [zero] Cokester (now an honorary member), and Coca-Cola have coined a drink after him called Zero Coke!!!! I mean cmon.... I hope our Cokester is getting royalties!!!

Check out this for proof (and no, my image editing skills aren't that good ;))

[zero] Hero 20-01-2006 03:44 PM

its true everyone
i have seen it (and tasted it) with my own eyes (mouth).

and it disgusting. if i was cokester i wouldn't dare lower myself to be affiliated with it.

it launched at the beginning of the year.

Lego 20-01-2006 06:42 PM

I thought you were talking about another clan zero. I had my fists all ready for a fight too.

Instinct 20-01-2006 09:22 PM

now, when will someone patent the brand "Instinct"
lol ....

i reckon coke zero is alright ...
tru, at first it was disgusting ... but then it got better ;)
that's what i think anyway ...

[zero]Remorse 21-01-2006 01:51 AM

insty - there's a whole MOVIE made after you!!!!...... well, actually the movie came first :P

Sharon Stone..... mmmmm.... Basic Instinct!!!! rotfl

Instinct 21-01-2006 07:29 PM

wait, so you're saying that I'm the copy artist rem? :P
jokes ;)

ItchyTasty 22-01-2006 11:00 AM

The only thing Taste i could think of would be that fibre powder u put in ur drink that tastes like nothing. Max fibre, Zero Taste! I AM NOT POWDERED FIBRE!

[zero]Remorse 25-01-2006 12:57 PM

lol tasty ;)

insty - when you and I were trying to work out what zero name you liked, i thought of sharon stone as soon as the name "instinct" came up..... rofl! Maybe that's why I always liked the name instinct? :rolleyes:

ItchyTasty 06-02-2006 07:23 PM

Ive got nothing interesting to say right now, except that the new forum style i dun like :( i have to look carefully to find the name of the poster if they dont have an avatar- it seems i cant change it.... sum1 do something! Oh and the no games rule isnt quite so bad as 1st thought.... i can still play a bit friday +most of weekends.... game over...... continue? 9...8... yes i will continue ty old school arcade games :D

[zero]Remorse 06-02-2006 10:21 PM

I love this new forum style - so classy IMHO :)

hope 2 c u on friday! :D

Lego 07-02-2006 10:44 PM

New forum style uses AJAX!! For those that don't know, see how the page doesn't reload/refresh when you post a quick reply? That's AJAX in action baby :)

[zero]Remorse 07-02-2006 11:47 PM

yer, none of that harsh scratching that a full page refresh does without AJAX.... my screen is so clear now.... i did notice it Lego :D

Tack 10-02-2006 09:55 PM

Speaking of cokester is it true he followed in LeMMings footsteps and is now a progamer? He used to be the biggest noob!

[zero]Remorse 11-02-2006 12:56 AM

i dunno, but he is rather famous now... thanks to coca cola :P

i see him on posters, in the media, and at the supermarket in great big stands!!! it's just too much!

and is it tack as in tacklefruit? :rolleyes:

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