Seems this is where I say goodbye.
Once again I've used the Telstra is so fucking fucked up beyond all fucking recognition icon.
I just did a heap of research on the message that Telstra fired back with when I applied through internode. For those of you that don't know what it was:
Now, this is what really fucking shits me. I ring up, I get the phone put on for our unit. I get assured by the woman on the other end that yes, ADSL is able for that phone number. Now, keep in mind she checked the PHONE NUMBER. Not the area, the NUMBER. This would give her an indication of whether the line was Rim/Pair Gain/Copper.
But, of course, no.
That message I posted? About the transposition request? Apparently, according to afforementioned research, that Alternate Path not found message means that the transposition had already been done and failed. So, in all reality, Gawain and I are completely up the proverbial whirlpool without a fucking outboard.
I guess the only light at the end of the tunnel is that the lease on the unit Gawain and I are in is only 6 months. So, until such a time until we/I can return to something beyond Dial Up, I guess this is where I say goodbye...I'll still be around the boards and on MSN and ICQ and stuff for those of you who want a chat, but as for being an active soldier...well, yeah.
Hope to see you all around some time.
I like birds and trees cause I'm fruity!