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Old 05-11-2003, 07:11 PM
Jenna McTavish Jenna McTavish is offline
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Don't lock the thread yet Jantar!!! PLEASE! It's like my baby now.

I think about my SpamBaby (TM) at work all day, wondering... "Will someone have posted something new and insightful?" and "How many posts will there be now?" Then, when I get home, I bypass Gambit (who is waiting patiently for some morsel of affection) and sit down at my computer to check if anyone has posted. I wonder if today will be the day when SpamBaby (TM) takes his first steps... onto a new page.

I am responsible for SpamBaby (TM). I feel that because I started this thread, I must now end it. But how can I, in my heart of hearts, do that? Am I not human? If you cut me, do I not bleed??? Still... there comes a time in every parent's life to say goodbye. Perhaps this is it.

Goodbye my SpamBaby (TM).
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