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Old 12-11-2004, 09:21 PM
Fritzs Fleas Fritzs Fleas is offline
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Originally Posted by TISM
Fritz - Is EVE free?
it's free to download, then you have to pay to get yourself an account, then a monthly fee.

The game world is HUGE

There are so many stars in the galaxy map that it looks real, and every little speck is an entire solar system (as you might expect) full of stations, planets, asteroid belts etc.

I've been playing about a month and I haven't ventured out of the government controlled systems in the galaxy core. The outer systems are controlled by large corporations (made up of human players) and some of them do not take kindly to strangers and are frequently at war with each other. So until i'm rich and powerful with an entire armada under my command I'm staying where i'm not going to get any scratches on my million dollar ship.

In short I've turned into a geek.
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