ive kinda lost my mappers spark, but a relax map sounds like a pretty good idea. ill call it zero_relax
. Hmmm... Slaidey needs cheering up... hey, why doesnt [zero] have a server hosted for the clan anymore? not rems server i mean? Wouldnt ur host do it for css when it came out? If thats the case, i will embark on a mission to find a reliable clan server host, if thats permitted. Jst to cheer the zeros up and mebbe bring back sum old ones, if they feel the same as slaide does. Its final. That is my mission. Get a good server host with mani and allows elected ppl (*ahem* *reM?) to do wateva they want with the server. Bots only is kool, but its very different to vs. ing real ppl.
note: im not tryin to brush ur server off rem! but max 10 humans isnt the greatest amount of bandwidth :S .
Heres a few pages of maps that are just awesome, that look as if they were made by the valve mapper pros. honestly, i cant hold a brush (mapper talk) to any of those guys...
well anyway: awesome cs maps: