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Old 16-09-2002, 12:40 PM
Kursed Kursed is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2002
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Thau, wats ur point of veiw on the fox situation in Tasmania? 16 foxes were released in Tasmania about a year ago by some fruit takes who ddint know wat they were doing. this careless act has caused the foxes to spread almost out of control across Tasmania, and out doing most of our native speacies in nature sometimes cruel survival of the fittest. for examply the Tasmanian tiger is suggested to become extinct if something is not done obout the so called pest of Australia. and i would have to say that exterminating foxes from Tasmania is the only way, u cant possibly try and keep them enclosed or something. and if u look at wat foxes have done to the rest f Australia then its pretty darn clear

ona lighter note... its good to see another person with a clear passage of thuoght and conceionsce about things going on in around them, most of the things u have said i agree with. and who knows because of my brothers influence i can probly see my self becoming a vegetarian in the not so distant future. but i still like my meat

anyway better stop rambling. and soz for intruding into ur convo and forum
