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Old 16-09-2002, 01:05 PM
Aarseth Aarseth is offline
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Groupie of the Gill
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om•niv•o•rous Pronunciation Key (m-nvr-s)
1. Eating both animal and vegetable foods.
2. Taking in everything available, as with the mind: an omnivorous reader.

To be fully healthy a human needs a balanced diet of plants and small amounts of meat/fish for protein.

The three most intelligent species on this planet all eat animals: dolphins, octopus and humans. The reason being that our large brains need lots of protein to run at optimum efficiency. Why did we develop larger brains than herbivores? Because we needed them to hunt animals. It’s the cycle of mother nature sorry to say.

I agree that certain practices of raising animals for food are cruel (chickens for example) but the fact is that evolution has determined that we eat both plants and animals. It's up to us to do it without causing unnecessary suffering.