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Old 16-09-2002, 02:46 PM
Kursed Kursed is offline
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a) I believe you mean the tasmanian devil, as the tasmanian tiger has been officially extinct since the last female died in melbourne zoo around 1930).

at least one of us knew, but i wasnt exactly sure which was the extinct one already =/

i know wat u mean thau, but a fox is one of those speacies much like humans i beleive, all they do is destroy. there are many plants and animals that live in tasmania that are found no where else in the world. if we allow this stupid decission made by careless humans to be left to nature then it will not fix the problem only make it worse. the wearker may die out, but why is this a good thing when the stronger is a calliber of a fox? would u like to see a diverse ecosystem filled with native wildlife or have it turn into somehtign that resembles much that of australia.

maybe im wrong, i dont know but i dont think that something that a few humans has done that can cause such a blow to wat many call australia last real piece of nature (i think dont quote me on that ) is really sadning and i think that it should bea cted, as it is being acted before it is too late, sometimes nature works and is quite sufficant but in this case i beleive that nature will fix this problem
