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Old 16-09-2002, 03:05 PM
Aarseth Aarseth is offline
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Thau it's true that in our modern society a person doesn't need meat to survive. In 1st world countries survival of the fittest has largely been eliminated through our technology. While taking pills can give you the vitamins and minerals you need they are not the most efficient way to get them.

The fact is that muscles need quite a bit of protein. A mate of mine has been a vegan (no meat or animal products) for quite a while. However he plays a lot of sport and found that he simply didn't have enough energy or strength for what he was doing even though he took supplements. He's started eating small amounts of red meat again and says that the difference has been quite dramatic. I also don't think you'd find any world class athletes who are strictly vegitarian.

It's quite possible that sometime in the future our food technology may get to the point where vitamins in the form of a pill will be as effective as the real thing however currently they are not.

I do commend you on your stance on eating meat and I'm sure you'll survive just fine without it. But don't expect to run any marathons any time soon